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 @TradeTariffKaylee from North Carolina submitted…8mins8m

Senate Republicans introduce legislation to legalize IVF treatment nationally.


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…2hrs2H

US urges political solution in Gaza War


 @SadCoconutfrom Idaho  submitted…2hrs2H

Assange Can Appeal U.S. Extradition


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…3hrs3H

ICC prosecutor seeks arrest of Israeli and Hamas leaders


 @ISIDEWITH asked…8mins8m

Should access to IVF be considered a right or a privilege in society?


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…38mins38m

Nations Offer Prayers To Iran After President's Death

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…1hr1H

Pope Francis denounces attempts to close southern border as "madness"

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…2hrs2H

BMW Imported Cars Tied to Forced Labor in China

 @9MLY2XB disagreed…8mins8m

Bloodsports are unethical and should be banned. So too should dog racing, horse racing, and all sports involving animals…

 @9MLY2XB answered…7mins7m

No, but we should provide opt-in services for both the English and Irish language for all members of society, new and ex…

 @9MLXW34 answered…13mins13m

Yes, as long as the sector is regulated as with the food and agriculture industries.

 @9MLXW34 answered…13mins13m

Political advertising should not be banned but should be regulated to avoid misinformation and hate speech

 @9MLXBKL disagreed…31mins31m

Knowing the environmental impact of plastic use, it is no longer excusable in 2024 to not source plastic free / veg ware…

 @9MLXBKL answered…30mins30m

Provided the government don’t put the sole blame on the landlord and reduce rental tax then yes. Some landlords pay 50%…

 @9MLXBKL answered…30mins30m

In an ideal scenario yes but I don’t have faith this would be completed without the health system collapsing and or publ…

 @9MLWPF5 answered…48mins48m

water charges should pay for the cleaning of water and upkeep of the infrastructure. How else do you this we should pay…

 @9MLWPF5 answered…48mins48m

the current age is fine but politics should be discussed more so they have an understanding of the issues and the impact…

 @9MLWPF5 answered…48mins48m

less - but people who abuse their bodies smoking / alcohol use etc should be asked to pay for their treatment

 @9MLWPF5 answered…48mins48m

The Uk NHS system is failing because one party wishes it to be privatised. If Ireland is to go down the same route - the…

 @9MLV9JK disagreed…2hrs2H

Marijuana has been proven to be less harmful than currently legal drugs in Alcohol and Tobacco. Legalising and regulatin…

 @9MLTGQW answered…2hrs2H

Yes but only if they sort out public transport e.g park and ride facilities

 @9MLSNR6 answered…3hrs3H

It would depend on the practices of the particular school. If the student has signed up for the school knowing their pol…