Health care in Ireland is two-tier: public and private sectors exist. The public health care system is governed by the Health Act 2004, which established a new body to be responsible for providing health and personal social services to everyone living in Ireland – the Health Service Executive. The new national health service came into being officially on 1st January 2005; however the new structures are currently in the process of being established as the reform programme continues. In addition to the public-sector, there is also a large private healthcare market.
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Ireland should adopt a system such as countries like germany or sweden, it should have a mix of private and public healthcare
the NHS isn't perfect and there is long waiting times plus healthcare is starting to be privatised in the UK. there isn't enough funding for public healthcare in the uk. healthcare should be free for all and have way more funding and wage increases for workers
No, investment in public healthcare should go towards providing care to those who can’t afford it. The option of private healthcare for those who can afford it takes the strain off the public healthcare system
Yes, but make sure it is regulated so that staff are not overworked and paitents don't have to be on long waiting lists
They need to drastically improve the quality of care in place now, more hospitals and more ambulance services. More GP surgeries would also reduce waiting times.
No and abolish the Hse system and replace it with a privatized one.
@B33XX4Y3 days3D
No but there should be heavier investment in the current public health care system but we must respect the right to a private health care system too If that is what's wanted
No adopt a system with the government paying for a majority of private healthcare costs and have mandatory health savings accounts and give the government a council to negotiate drug prices.
Free healthcare for the poor, for serious illness like cancer, liver issues. Essentially you pay for A&E not an emergency, broken bones, non essentials
Public healthcare needs to be stable before you stop private healthcare. It would not be able to handle the extra load that the private healthcare takes from the public system. Healthcare needs to invest more in the primary care setting and preventive health initiatives
Fix the existing system to make it more efficient and get people access to healthcare before embarking on more.
We should have free healthcare. No questions asked. The money the government have can and should pay for that. However, I think the nhs and Ireland both have a terrible system when it comes to getting from the house to being seen by someone. The waitlists are ridiculous. In the time that it takes to be seen, for some, (both physical and mental health), can terribly degenerate and death is the reality for others at that point.
Regardless of private or public standards, we need to improve staffing and pay for workers in healthcare industry.
Improve the current system and re structure the middle and higher management team to those with direct medical management experience.
@9ZVN9KKPeople Before Profit3mos3MO
Yes but where workers are paid well, waiting lists aren’t as long, to make sure it is run better than the NHS
NHS is struggling too. We need to improve the current system we have right now before adopting anything new
Need radical reform of public healthcare, unification of all the hospitals systems & eliminate excess and unproductive management
Yes but it should be managed properly and ensure that money isn't being wasted by the health service
@9ZV4DGNSocial Democrats3mos3MO
I would prefer a system for to that in Canada or Germany. It would be much easier and less traumatic to cover over to it as well.
@9ZV2KYFSocial Democrats3mos3MO
I think that the privatisation of Ireland's health care has caused significant damage to our society's most vulnerable.
Although the NHS is a flawed system, there is the guarantee of access to affordable health
I think that Ireland should modify and improve it's own healthcare system, as opposed to looking to others that are flawed.
My position on this topic is that there is a significant amount of investment into other sectors (i.e the Military) that could be better used in our healthcare system.
The priority should be to ensure that every person who requires medical attention receives it, regardless of their income. We should also prioritise the well being of medical professionals such as Nurses and Doctors.
no, Ireland should adopt a system such as countries like germany or sweden, a mix of private and public healthcare
@9ZTQJLXPBB Solidarity3mos3MO
Ireland has a public healthcare system. There are some things that the HSE could look to model itself after the NHS (especially mental health care, ADHD/autism adult assessment, etc) but the NHS is also in crisis at the moment due to underfunding so not exactly a model system either.
I believe costs should be diminished significantly and amenities increased. Healthcare should be accessible to everyone
Improve the care here reduce wait times and cut the fat from the top and hire more doctors and nurse
I dont think the NHS is a system that Ireland should strive for, but Irelands public healthcare system most definitely needs an upgrade.
I believe that the HSE needs to increase healthcare funding, particularly in women, & increase wages for those working in the Healthcare sector
Yes but the NHS has too many flaw it needs to be better than the NHS system of overcrowding and long waitlists
Both, Public and Private Healthcare should be available, if we only have Public is the quality worsens significantly.
NHS is not necessarily the ideal the healthcare system. I do believe Ireland should adapt there’s. However, we should maybe change our system according to other more successful healthcare in other countries eg. France
Yes but only if the government can ensure that it would be of good quality, without excessively long waiting lists and poor services and be underfunded and undervalued, and not be subpar like most schemes they run, eg. CAMHS.
Ireland should ensure it has an adequate healthcare system that treats staff and patients with respect
Yes but they need to stop bringing in people who aren't paying taxes and letting them use the same system
Ireland needs to reform its own healthcare system In accordance to our needs, not adopt a completely different countries approach. We need a solution tailored to our own needs, it isn’t a one size fits all.
Healthcare system should be similar to countries like Germany or sweden, free for those who can’t afford private healthcare and pay rises for nurses
There are better health care systems in Europe, however lowering the threshold for gms would benefit without over saturating the healthcare system
I think a more affordable healthcare system is necessary but it need to have better facilities and funding
More effort to be put into making public healthcare systems good. Not just making private services better
Yes in that it should be universal and single payer but no in that it should support health workers and not be extremely racist and transphobic
how is it a free loading non working government fee leech is entitled to a medical card yet an Irish person having lived here their whole life is not just because they work and can "afford" it?
Ireland's health service is not capable of managing its self it a cost effective Manor. Very few public services are
I feel that neither of these healthcare systems are 100% flawless however there are things both could improve on such as waiting lists and prices for private healthcare and better standards for public healthcare
No, you can’t get a doctor appointment in uk due to people taking advantage of free service for illness that can be treated over the counter, reduce fees make some gp services free in disadvantaged areas or for children and pensioners maternity or long term illness patients. Ireland woudlnt be able to cope with a system like uk, it’s not feasible
I appreciate the NHS's construction, however from what I understand they apprar to be suffering many of the same issues as the Irish system. In my mind it would more than likely be a zero-sum change
No, the NHS is a bad reference. Improve public healthcare for sure, but look to other European countries for systems that work.
The NHS is just as bad as the HSE. We need more investment into the public health system. The waiting periods are far too long, student nurses deserve to be paid
I think our healthcare system needs to be improved upon based on what we have. The system isn’t flawed just understaffed and without resources that could easily be provided
I think more money should just be pumped into the system so that we have shorter waiting times and more access to healthcare
this is a very loaded question and would depend heavily on what aspects on the NHS are being implemented
NHS isn’t much better, we need more surgeons, nurses and paramedics to accommodate the load of patients without having to wait in waiting rooms for hours or having to wait on beds in halls to only be seen for 5 minutes.
I believe there needs to be more investment into our public services, especially mental health services and harm reduction programs for drug users
A lot of improvements need to be done in terms of costs and waiting times. There is an obvious demand for doctors which needs improvement. It’s hard to say which healthcare system is better as both have major issues
No because the uk’s health care system is also bad instead they need to put more funding into the healthcare system and pay doctors and nurses more.They also need to give low income people better opportunities for better health care
Don’t know enough about the NHS to say we should model our system after it but our system definitely needs a change
I don’t believe we should go as far as the NHS I still believe in a private healthcare option that supports a far strong public healthcare sector
The NHS is understaffed and underpaid with waiting times of months even years! I do not think Ireland should adopt this healthcare
yes, a public healthcare system is crucial, but it should be ethical, fast and not infringe on ICU speed
The government should have free healthcare and allocate more funds to our healthcare system and increase wages for workers
Literally anything could improve on ours
that should be looked at & debated I don't think that is what the Irish people would want
Public healthcare system should be improved big time. There should not be any referrals. If the person needs to schedule an appointment with a specific doctor they should not have to go to GP first but have the possibility to book an appointment for that particular doctor.
Public healthcare should be also free of charge. The government should abolish tuition fees for people who want to become a healthcare personnel and have a program to increase the amount of healthcare specialists in Ireland.
Ireland should have a two tier health system where by anyone who can afford private health care should be able to get treated in private hospitals and leave public hospitals to those who cannot afford private healthcare. Private patients should not then be treated in public hospitals and that would reduce the waiting times on lists (theoretically)
@9ZPBKM2 3mos3MO
We’re already quite similar so i think the NHS could be improved upon also & not necessarily be an ultimate aim, but the fact we still remain so far behind them, particularly in areas like the government having to pay 100’s of thousands per person!! To send people to the UK or private hospitals for eg eating disorder treatment (me included- I counted & me + a friend simultaneously cost the gov >500k in less than 6 months just for private hospitals in Dublin is wild- given we’re from the same town etc, never mind how much they spend on far more people, yet refuse to just put money to fund their own service is wild both monetarily which affects anyone, and just for the hse as a whole
I think the HSE is already similar to the NHS. Both have people on long waiting lists, inadequate care, over worked doctors and nurses. They are understaffed. There are large fund being poured into the healthcare system but it honestly baffles me where the money goes because it is not anywhere that helps the people.
We have a public healthcare system with private services to patients with insurance. Same as the UK.
Give people a reason to stay and work in the country and put funding to better use in the healthcare system and you won’t have to change the system
Ye but only if there are sufficient funds to sustain it and the workers are not overworked and underpaid
Ireland should focus on reducing/subsidising the health care costs of the irish people. With a lot of funds wasted and I see in my own personal life friends and family , even I myself have at times refused to attend a doctors office because they will charge €60 for a visit and then refer u to a crowded hospital where you'll be waiting hours to be seen. Disgraceful.
The NHS is also riddled with problems and I think better steps can be taken to make healthcare more affordable
It should have public healthcare for all, but not like the NHS. More beds, better training, better equipment, better pay for nurses and doctors.
@9ZHGT7JSocial Democrats3mos3MO
Similar to those successful healthcare systems in Europe rather than the NHS such as Germany and Switzerland
have no idea how the NHS runs, however ireland does need to change its public healthcare system but instead of following other countries it should listen to the people of ireland and what they want to see improved.
This question needs further clarification. Why NHS and not Spain's system for example? What about the NHS that is currently different from the HSE? Not enough info.
Free healthcare would be ideal but must take overcrowded hospitals and long waiting lists into consideration
Healthcare system needs to be improved, no more throwing money at it. Fix the problem, utilise smaller community hospitals to take the load from larger hospitals. Don’t shut down community hospitals use them
NHS system does not work either. We need adequate funding and reform on our current healthcare system. We should also pay our healthcare workers appropriately
Yes but the NHS in the early noughties, the NHS and the HSE are on par with levels of bureaucracy taking the money away from the taxpayer. It should also be only available to those who are in receipt of consistent taxable income on par with being able to receive the Dole. You feed into the system so you can take out of it when you need to, not to abuse it.
No, private healthcare takes the strain off public healthcare - funding should go towards free healthcare for those who can't afford it
Yes, but actually fund it and put in measures to stop political views from overriding expert opinion
They are already very similar National Health Care systems. Both need to be improved. More beds, more trained Staff & more accountability.
Ireland has a good healthcare system, but more investment is needed for the carers and nurses. Private Care companies should be more restricted to prevent exploiting the carers.
HSE should have its funding re-examined to ensure the money goes where needed, & not just to the folks in the highest paying positions
Ireland should have a public healthcare similar to the one in Italy who helps all the people to have an easily healthcare life. Without paying a lot for a service that it’s not working enough for everyone.
Yes, if it improves the waiting lists, I have private healthcare but it’s still an issue not being covered, when we’re drained by the tax’s
We should have a public healthcare scheme that works and pays it's employees a good wage rather than under funding it like we are currently doing and how the NHS is doing
The theory of the NHS model, not the application. We already behave horredeously towards our medical personnel and drive them overseas. We need to do better, far better than either we or the UK are doing.
No, but there needs to be suitable change that are absolutely necessary for both workers in the healthcare industry and patients
No, the NHS is not really any better but the HSE system should be changed to allow for more patients to access services
Ireland especially the southwest needs 3 new hospitals that are up to standard and a whole new system for screening patients on arrival in A&E. Public healthcare is a must also.
HSE needs to be run like a business and no more 'iron proof' contracts. Way too many 'lifers' who do no work.
Ideally it would be a fully public system but doing so right now would put too much strain on the HSE and would not work. A slow transition is required
@9ZKX9Q2 3mos3MO
Unclear what “similar” means here. There are upsides and downsides to adapting the HSE to a NHS model.
@9ZFZSZWSocial Democrats3mos3MO
A free at the point of entry service is needed however I would be in favour of a cap on free visitations to GP unless someone has ongoing diagnosed health issues
we need to sort out the current state of our healthcare system before moving onto anything like that
Isn't the NHS an underfunded mess at the moment? I'm pretty sure the Nordic countries have better healthcare systems to adopt.
In an ideal scenario yes but I don’t have faith this would be completed without the health system collapsing and or public funding taking a huge hit.
The Uk NHS system is failing because one party wishes it to be privatised. If Ireland is to go down the same route - there needs to be legislation to guard against this.
@9JTRHQPFianna Fáil1yr1Y
I beilve certain people should be entitled to the required free medical care as to not over flow the system.
Yes but it should be the case that we lose nurses and doctors to other countries and need to invest more in our healthcare
Not the current broken model but the original post-war model.
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