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It’s fine. I don’t care. I feel this way because I am normal

 @9KGH6CLSocial Democratsagreed…12mos12MO

A natural conclusion to globalism, you cannot expect to have ripe bananas in the winter without having people coming from foreign countries as well

 @9KQCR8JSocial Democratsanswered…12mos12MO

People from different cultures should have every right to celebrate their culture and heritage while living in Ireland. It is very hypocritical for extreme nationalists to berate those who come to live in Ireland from abroad, when there are huge communities of Irish emigrants and those with Irish heritage living in countries such as the US and Australia. Mass emigration has been seen from Ireland during the famine when people had the choice to leave or die, and we should recognise this when welcoming refugees.


I always try to work out what language is being spoken, offering me an insight into what type of people live, work and travel through an area


I understand taking in refugees is the right thing to do. But this country doesn't just take I refugees. Immergrants should not be allowed into the country.


I don’t mind it, everyone has their own heritage however to ease communication in commerce it is vital that all can speak English


I understand if they are visiting Ireland on holiday, and I have no problem at all with that. My issue is migrants who don't make any effort to learn the language.

 @9MF73BT answered…9mos9MO

I love being surrounded by people talking various languages, it makes me feel uplifted, that people from different countries are interested in coming to one place and making it more diverse and rich

 @9K49HPHSocial Democrats answered…1yr1Y

I don't feel threatened, if that's what you're asking. I think people should expose themselves to different languages and cultures. By doing so, they bring down the barriers that divide us and enforce empathy.

 @9QX3VBF answered…8mos8MO

I don't mind it. I don't eves drop on other people so why would I care. And if it's a person I know I think it's great. I love to learn a bit of their language and culture, even if it's just a simple sentence

 @9PBC8Y5Sinn Féinanswered…9mos9MO

I don’t care, it’s a language speak what they want it’s not effecting anyone negatively.


 @9K59JLYFine Gaelanswered…1yr1Y

I don’t mind hearing a language I don’t understand because they can speak however they like.


I do not feel anything. Because i do not care for the languages that others speak.


I don’t like it, at times in my place of work they can be very obviously talking about you and it makes me uncomfortable

 @9R2R6N4Sinn Féinanswered…8mos8MO

i would rather they speak Irish or English in public, in private it doesnt really matter

 @9Q26Z9SSinn Féinanswered…8mos8MO

Couldn’t care , I’ve spoken Irish in front of people and I assume they feel the same about not being bothered

 @9K2TLB7Sinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

I don’t personally feel threatened but I can understand why some people would

 @9K22GFQSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

I don’t feel any way, it’s the same as me talking English to someone else. It’s a form of communication, I never understood why people get angry about foreign languages being spoken. Imagine getting your head taken off by some Spanish person cause you were speaking English in Spain like when you say it like that it’s ridiculous

 @9JYLWHKSinn Féin answered…1yr1Y

I generally feel sad that immigrants to our country do a better job of maintaining their indigenous cultures than us.

 @9HXBZGTSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

I feel okay with it and if they are from a country I like, I might learn their language so I can understand everyone that comes into the country


I love linguistics and so hearing unfamiliar languages is nteresting to me.
However, I do think it is sad to see people speak a foreign language in public with their friends and family here in Ireland rather than assimilate into the Irish culture of language.

 @9K46NN8Fine Gaelanswered…1yr1Y

I think it’s cool and interesting and it makes me want to learn more about the world I live in

 @9K255TMSinn Féin answered…1yr1Y

The Irish language is practically considered one these days. I'm glad I got to learn to speak it, sadly there aren't too many to speak it with.

 @9JXQFHQIndependent Leftanswered…1yr1Y

I think they're cool. I am currently learning several languages. I don't even fully understand Irish myself

 @9HTZT2NSocial Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

I enjoy being exposed to languages I don't understand. Sometimes, however, the people speaking them speak very loudly as they probably believe that nobody else can understand them.

 @9KRDLFY answered…12mos12MO

Personally, I don’t really like hearing languages I don’t understand as I can’t help but question the topic of said conversation.


I respect the prson speaking it and understand that it isnt directed to me and respect their privacy.

 @9K253XYSocial Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

I like to see different cultures in my country. We are all citizens of the world

 @9LM95S5Independent Leftanswered…11mos11MO

Not bothered by hearing it. I grew up in a multiracial town and am used to hearing different languages

 @9KQDVVJSocial Democratsanswered…12mos12MO

Language is a part of culture, and when people move from other countries, they bring some of that culture with them. It doesn't bother me at all

 @9JX957KFine Gaelanswered…1yr1Y

I don’t have any negative feelings when I hear languages I don’t understand

 @9K5JJW7Sinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

I don’t mind hearing other languages I think it is good to be around different cultures


doesn't really effect me but i understand why other people might feel indimidated.


I feel indifferent to it. I have many friends and work colleagues who I call close friends that are foreign. I have no problem whatsoever with anyone who works hard to get here and works hard when they get here to make a life for themselves, genuine people. I have learned some of the foreign languages my friends speak and I have taught them as much of the Irish language that I know, but if I ever feel overwhelmed by too much exposure then it would be a problem for me as I would begin to feel like a minority in my own country, and unfortunately that is the path this country is on.


It's of no issue to me. I would like to understand what they're saying just because it would good to have some understanding of languages but I don't care that I can't nor do I care what they may be saying


I wish I spoke them but I think it's beautiful to hear so many different languages

 @9JZTM76Sinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

Interested as to where they are from and their background story. Im interested in all people and their stories.


I don't feel any particular way. Everyone should feel free to use whatever language they wish. The policing of language is totalitarian and something you'd expect to find in Orwell.

 @9LLXGCXSinn Féinanswered…11mos11MO

Because if I’m in my own country i should understand what people are saying


I feel proud when I hear other people's languages yet it would be nice to find a lengua franca that we all can't interact with. I would want everyone to work and co-exist in peace

 @9HXD353Social Democrats answered…1yr1Y

I don't mind, I can understand some would feel insecure as to what is being said incase it is about them but frankly I couldn't care less. People are different and no matter what language they speak its none of my business.

 @9QRVZWMSocial Democratsanswered…8mos8MO

I think it's cool. Its always interesting to different languages you haven't heard before. The nosy part of me wonders what they might be talking about though haha.

 @9K6NFDJSocial Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

I’m absolutely ok with hearing other languages as I am not threatened by other people cultures

 @9J72XK8Fine Gaelanswered…1yr1Y

 @9LKPTT9Sinn Féinanswered…11mos11MO

i don't mind at all, many people speak many languages and it is no secret that we have many people of different nationalities and backgrounds living in ireland

 @9HZW7ZBSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

Not safe as ima don’t know what they are saying and this could be dangerous

 @9K3CX56Sinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

Not safe as i don’t know what they are saying and this could be dangerous


I would rather the people speak Irish(preferably) or English but I am not too heavily annoyed by it

 @9K59HMZSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

I have never had a problem with it but I can see why people could get stressed from it

 @9J47M3GSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

I don’t feel much around languages I don’t understand because I know that people prefer to speak their first language or language that comes more naturally to them

 @9QSJ26Rfrom North Carolina  answered…8mos8MO


Reaping the fruits of globalism, it’s not a problem nor should it ever be.

 @9JX2NNMSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

I dont pay any attention to it. Im a student in Dublin city centre i am used to hearing many languages and experiencing many different cultures


Doesn’t bother me, but they should fully understand English to live in Ireland.

 @9K86DDBSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

I think people should have the right to speak any language, doesn't make it any less annoying when two people are speaking behind your back in front of your face because you can't understand what they are saying


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