In 2004 the government passed the Hunting Act which banned the practice of hunting mammals with dogs in England and Wales. The Act allows dogs to sniff out foxes but bans them from killing. The Act does not prevent hunters from using dogs to “drag hunt" which uses dogs to track and sniff out foxes. Proponents argue that fox hunting with dogs is a time honored tradition that supports rural communities. Opponents argue that killing foxes with dogs is cruel since the hunted animals suffer severe physiological and psychological stress during the hunt - whether they are killed or not.
It should be regulated and only allowed in certain areas and circumstances. For example when population numbers are in excess
If the fox is a danger to your animals on your farm yes other then that if there’s a hunting season for fox hunting they should stick to it
Yes, so long as the fox population remains stable and is not hunted in mass to the point that their species is put in danger
No it’s a cruel sport for literally 0 reason and are only for rich bastar*s who have nothing else to do in their life except sit their fat *** on a horse with 50 beagles chasing 1 fox how about doing some f’ing good in the world instead of spreading more hate
No, grant easier access to firearms
@9DZQ79JIndependent Left2yrs2Y
Yes, I love killing innocent animals
No, I do not support it. It should be illegal whether with dogs or without and all bloodsports should be banned.
Yes, As long as it doesn't effect the local fox population of the area
It should be restricted, and the foxes must be tagged by a National Animal Ministry of somesorts, and proven to be an elder, to justify such practice
I neither support nor condemn the practice.
No but it should be legal
Yes, but with regulations to reduce animal cruelty and impact on natural habitats
No, and it should be made illegal along with hare coursing and greyhound racing
@97Q9B6TSocial Democrats2yrs2Y
Dependent on how many foxes are killed
Not really unless there is an overpopulation threatening human economics or livestock or poultry.
Yes, as long as their intention is to consume the foxes
As long as they don’t make the species extinct
I think as a sport it shouldn't be allowed but hunting for food is ok
Any hunting for food, yes, otherwise never
Yes, but the number of hunts per year must be limited and in a different rural village each time so the business that the hunt brings is more spread out
Yes but protect population
Yes, but regulated to promote healthy population sizes.
Yes, but protect population sizes
Only in areas where foxes are overpopulated and are proven to be a hazard to the local environment.
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