In 2010, teachers were told that Muslims would not be permitted to wear the niqab, the garment covering the entire body except for slits across the eyes. The guidance, circulated in Ireland by bishops among more than 450 schools, said that although staff should respect the religious rights of non-Catholics, it was "unsatisfactory for a teacher not to be able to see and engage properly with a pupil whose face was covered". Opponents of the ban argue that it religious expression is a basic human right and muslims should be able to wear the Niqab in every school. Proponents of the ban argue that the Niqab is a religious symbol that should not be worn at Catholic Schools.
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Abolish all religious schools
Yes, at least until there is an increased availability nationally of Secular state-schools with no affiliation with a specific religion.
It is disrespectful to Catholicism to be wearing clothing that show belief in another God. If it was the other way around, it would be outrage.
Non religious schools should be more available
No after living in Bahrain Middle East I had to conform to Ramadan no eating in streets etc and my catholic religion certainly was not considered if you live in a country that had different religious beliefs you can’t look for your beliefs to withheld I
The state should not compel the school to allow that, but the church itself does not state those of other religions are barred from attendance of school, or even worship (provided they don't go up for communion).
Yes but Catholicism should still be the primary taught and practiced religion of the country. However I do respect everyone’s right to believe and practice their own religion. However in a Catholic country we should not be taking our own religion off the curriculum to make others feel more comfortable. They obviously know and teach their kids their religion and so Ireland should do the same without being shamed for doing so
It would depend on the practices of the particular school. If the student has signed up for the school knowing their policies, then I believe the school is within their right to implement their policies.
Schools should be non denominational by default, and therefore all religions, or lack of religion, should be treated equally
Catholic schools should not exist, nor any schools that rely solely on religion
Yes, but only if the girls are wearing niqab and burkas willingly. If they are being pressured by parents or religious leaders to do so then no.
Yes, but if the school was catholic enough for it to matter surely being catholic would be a requirement for attendance.
No because the school is catholic. At an Islamic school (Is there was such in Ireland which I think is lovely), there would be no way for a student to attend with a bible in hand constantly. It is a defiance of faith. Which the school leads with. In a private or public school that is not attached to faith, any religious cloth should by every means be allowed.
All state funded schools should be secular. All cultural dress if imposed should be imposed equally on both genders
They should be allowed to pratice there own religion But they have to respect every other religion too
I think there should be a critieria for this in cahtolic schools that would need to be reviewed by teachers and principals
The closest school to a family that lives in the country and had to commute a long distance every day may be a catholic school and in the case where a student has no other choice but to attend a catholic school I think they should be allowed wear whatever they feel comfortable in. Especially if the girls will be integrated with boys.
@9ZVCQWHSocial Democrats3mos3MO
They should - As an atheist I have no respect for the worship of imaginary beings but I do have respect for people and what they choose to believe providing it does not negatively impact anyone.
No, not in any school. I believe both are extremely anti feminist, the decision to wear niqab or burka should be to those 18 years or older.
No symbols or clothing from any religion should be allowed in primary and secondary level educational settings
@9ZV2KYFSocial Democrats3mos3MO
Personally, I don't believe that there should be a conflation between religion and education. I think all schools should be non religious entities and focus on the child's well being and development.
Faith is something that should be taught at home and in appropriate public places and clubs.
All cultures and religious freedom.must be respected.
All state-funded schools should be non-denominational/educate together/ out of the control of any church
I am in favor of public secular schools so yes until the secular schools for the government implements them.
@9ZTBKTKIndependent 3mos3MO
No, although respect of all cultural and religious traditions is important, our culture and religious traditions should be prioritised.
Since they are Catholic schools then no. But I believe schools should not be religious. We should have public schools open to all.
I think religious schools should be disincentivised but that students should be allowed to wear what they are comfortable in until then.
With this one, we should respect all religions however if a parent is sending a child to a Catholic School they should abide by the ethos of the school not their own beliefs. there are educate together and non-denominational schools in Ireland where the children can attend and wear their traditional clothing
Yes, But Catholicism should still be prioritized and taught in the catholic schools. No one should be refused to attend a catholic school based on their religion. Facilitate to all children that need an education in Ireland
If are allowed to be Muslim whilst enrolled in Catholic school then they should be allowed to wear what they want
Not an Education issue, this is to do with Religious beliefs and should therefore we should respect other cultures
world isn’t in the 1900s, no such thing as a catholic school. if someone said this is a muslim school there would be an outrage. Current “catholic” schools aren’t actually what they mean they need to redefine the meaning.
Headscarves should be allowed but full facial coverings in schools separates the children from the rest of the class
There are plenty of non-denominational schools for parents to choose. If they decide to send their child to a catholic school then they need to accept the policies of that school
Yes but the religion of the school has to be respected first. Irish citizens would receive the same treatment if in a Muslim country.
@9ZBRNYDSocial Democrats4mos4MO
Yes, but I also believe that educational facilities should not be led by any religious organisation.
abolish religious schools. schools should not be centred on a religion and should focus more on educating youth
No, there should be acknowledgement of the culture present within Catholic schools, and non-adherence is hypocritical, as it would be equally disrespectful to not adhere to a traditions in a predominantly Muslim school.
No, as it would be a catholic school and catholics only believe in God, it would be seen as disrespectful to catholics and vice versa. I would go to a non-catholic school.
We should respect cultural and religious traditions, provided they don't infringe on others beliefs or practices. If you are attending a Catholic school, the parents and students need to respect the policies and practices carried out, regardless of their own personal beliefs.
Religion should be left at home. Probably we should just home school our kids. To prevent indoctrination in school. Stop them teaching kids wanking and fisting
@9YLXM6Q 4mos4MO
Yes, but it should be banned for children who cannot consent in all primary schools no matter the religion
Yes and schools shouldn’t be aligned with any religion. Religion should be an after school activity or something taught at home.
If you attend a Catholic school, you should abide by their rules, however, there should be born no denominational schools and a separation of Church and State in the education system.
No, wearing a burka is not a requirement in the Muslim faith, it is just cultural. The child should attend a non dominational school if they want to wear this
@9YHXXW5Social Democrats4mos4MO
No, I do not agree with what the niqab or burka stands for as a means of controlling women, but this has nothing to do with catholic schools.
Don’t go to a Catholic school if you’re not Catholic
I don't believe in blocking religious freedoms but I do believe the burka is oppression of women and girls rights. So I am somewhere in the middle.
Yes, as long as they are opened to learn more about other people and they don't force their religions on others.
Yes but students, parents and guardians attending a Catholic ethos school should not require the school itself to restrict its on religious practices to accommodate them.
@9ZW5KRKSocial Democrats3mos3MO
It shouldn’t be to do with the fact the school is catholic but I find the head scarfs opressing to women
There should be separation of church and state, with religious bodies relinquishing all control and influence over schools. All schools should be non denominational places, where religious studies exists as a subject to learn about different faiths but faith-instruction is the responsibility of parents and church/ religious communities
If they are not Catholic why go to a Catholic school, but if it’s cultural in nature they should be allowed
Catholic schools are extremely outdated. We need to stop revise the option of practicing religions outside of schools rather than a mandatory teaching. Education of all religions and cultures should be taught and expression of the same allowed but No religion should be mandatory teaching in a school.
We need more non-denominational schools where people are free to be whatever religion they want to be.
We should lessen the amount of religious input in education they are children and they’re there to learn
We should abolish faith schools. The government should have secular schools that accommodate all faiths and non.
Religious schools should be abolished and religious education should be responsibility of parents not the state. And also the niqab and burka should not be permitted in schools
@9ZRLKP3 4mos4MO
They should be more non Catholic schools were their religion is respected and not forced other religion
All cultural and religious traditions should be respected. But it is not practical to allow the complete covering of the face.
Yes, if we say public schools. I hope there will be no denominational schools - applies to all religions.
There should not be any religious schools ideally. In ordinary public school it should not matter what the kid is wearing but if the school is religiously inclined I think it is inappropriate to wear other religious attire.
Religion should not come into education. There should be no Catholic, church of Ireland or any other type of religious school. People should be allowed wear what they want as long as their face is visible
Yes, however all teachers and faculty members must not openly display a faith regardless of their faith
I do believe people should be allowed to wear what ever they like especially for sake of culture or religion but I do think these aspects of that culture are especially misogynistic
No, if its a Catholic school, then why are we trying to integrate someone who clearly is so different. Homeschooling is allowed, let individuals create their own school for their children if they wish to. As long as the child passes yearly state exams
No, should not be worn in any school. Religion has no place in schools. There shouldn't be Catholic schools.
@9ZNNW3TSocial Democrats 4mos4MO
Whether or not the school is Catholic is not relevant. I think all religious expression should be removed from schools, this including removal of Catholic teaching, and the wearing of hijabs
No, niqabs or burkas should not be allowed, faces should be not covered. Headscarves should be allowed
If we went to their country we wouldn't be allowed to bring rosary beads into their schools. Doesn't bother me, but they wouldn't have it the other way round
A niqab and burka are not from Christianity so therefore wearing them in a catholic school would be insulting to catholics
No, a Catholic school differs from a public school in that it is for people of a specific faith, and therefore should be reserved for those of that faith
A catholic school should be respected and if you don't want your child to be catholic they shouldn't be sent to a catholic school
@9ZK3KZ6People Before Profit4mos4MO
Yes, but not in Catholic schools because Catholic people have different beliefs from their religion, but we still should respect other people’s beliefs.
Should be allowed but is questionable as it’s a catholic school, but yes they should as it’s part of their religion
Yes but not if this stops participation in sport. Respect & tolerance of other cultures and religions must be taught to all schoolgoers
@9ZHY9X4Social Democrats4mos4MO
fine as long as you can still identify the person, for practical reasons full face coverings can be problematic
@9ZHVJB3Social Democrats4mos4MO
Yes, but Religion should be removed from all schools so it should not matter what type of school it is
@9ZHTGD6 4mos4MO
No, catholic schools are dedicated to a specific religion. However there needs to be more public and educate together schools where learning irish should not be a requirement for the teachers and more inclusive subjects should be included. e.g. world history and irish history should be included in the cirriculum in equal quantities, languages other than european origins should be readily available to create a more inclusive environment in our country for irish residents with heritage from outside the EU. Lack of communication, empathy and understanding of the various cultures can lead to a country's population becoming ignorant and fearful of unknown cultures to the public.
No, but in hours of worship or other situations, in a safe space, the choice should be give to the student.
If its a private funded school its up to the school, but if its publicly funded it should not be allowed to display religious garments or decoration
FREEDOM OF RELIGION! no matter what school you go to, you are allowed freedom of religion and if wearing a burka or a niqab is part of your religion you should have the right to wear it.
We should respect people's right to choose their beliefs and how to follow them within the confines of the law and morality, but not necessarily allow harmful traditions and ideology from any religion that is forced upon someone.
Yes but there should be a massive increase in non-religious or multi-religious schools to provide fair access
there should be more multinational schools and if you are of a different culture and religion why are you attending a catholic school anyway, but if is your only option then it should be respected
@9ZFDQ8J 4mos4MO
All schools should be secular. Religious clothing etc. should not be allowed. Religious education should take place in separate Sunday schools.
it’s not an issue of “allowed” but catholicism is its own religion. instead, we should provide more religiously diverse schools and allow catholic schools to remain a place of practicing catholicism.
No, if it is forced upon them by family expectations. As this is nearly impossible to find out it should not be allowed
They should be allowed to wear a hijab that covers the hair should be allowed but the niqab should not be.
@9ZCKMXGSocial Democrats4mos4MO
Yes, without it could be perceived as disrespectful. We’re badly need an influx of school not tied to one religion and until then some people don’t have a choice
If there is no other school in the area yes but if there’s choice of a non catholic school they should go there to wear it
Schools should be non denominational. The issue of wearing niqab or burka would RARELY arise in a primary school given that young girls would be wearing hijab rather than full body covering. Furthermore, kids inherently don’t give a rats about what other kids are wearing, and it’s adults that impose those ideas upon them. Do better as adults and treat all kids fairly.
Schools should be non denominational in the first place. This issue is irrelevant to primary school girls.
there should be no religious schools s tudents should be allowed to practise their owl religion privately
If they're Catholic and still choose to wear a Niqab or Burka for cultural reasons yes. If not then they should attend non Catholic schools.
The government should focus funding on increasing the number of non religious or multi religious schools in order to avoid a clash of religion/culture.
All schools should be educate together, mixed schools, where religion is not forced on any child and where every child can practise religion chosen (including allowing to wear niqab or burka)
No, it is a catholic school for a reason - there are many other schools which allow for this. We obey their culture and religion when we go to their countries
I think religion and school should be separate. Have a religion class that teaches all religions without the catholic ethos
I don’t think it should be limited to Catholic schools and i don’t think they should wear the hijab or niqab at all as the practice is degrading to women
the school should check in on the child to see if this is what they really want and how things are at home as children shouldn't be sexualised by wearing something meant to protect modesty so young. it can also cause confusion on who the child is as their face isn't visible if there is multiple students with face coverings
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