Healthcare in Ireland is financed by the state. Citizens have the option of buying additional private health insurance. There are public as well as private hospitals. Private patients are often treated in public hospitals, as by definition all privately insured patients have an entitlement to use the publicly funded system.
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Rather than there being more or less, people should be able to choose private or public. Private should not be overly hammered by regulation and public should not be undermined by inadequate funding.
enough privatisation to let industry investigate, risk and develop, but enough healthcare infrastructure to attend everybody with no added cost
More investment into healthcare required with the government however same amount of private practices
Less, but greatly increase services available in primary care centres and provide minor injury clinics to take non urgent ED patients
@B22DPSDSocial Democrats1mo1MO
Yes but there needs to be more hospitals and more beds and more private health insurers to ensure stable competition and prices. There should be a degree of public funding to support this.
More available and better private care, you should be getting a lot for what you pay for. Shorter waiting times needed and premium care for paying. The public health system needs a serious facelift. The organisation and employment levels needs to be fixed from the root. Whether the means making entry points to nursing and medicine lower so we can have more opportunities for other people. Take out the HPAT for people who want to study as a mature student who already hold a background in a bachelor’s degree science and make way for more minds. I hate seeeing everyone moving away to Australia and Canada for better opportunities, heck some people are moving alone to study these subjects in other countries because it’s easier entry.
The money allocated to the health system needs to be allocated to the correct areas, it seems that a lot of money is wasted and patients are not getting the care they could get compare with other countries where people’s tax money is put to good use and the public can see the direct benefit of their tax money being spent on public services.
Fifty year plan to overhaul system. No edge case messing about with general system. Too much waste in current system.
Same healthcare for all, pro active preventative medicine, people pay extra for facilities not treatment
A more competitive private market will promote more efficient healthcare, driving the public healthcare to improves its current badly managed systems
The government should focus on overhauling the current health service and increase accountability and efficiency within the HSE
Private healthcare is a good option to have but there needs to be a massive increase in funding for public healthcare
A balanced between both is needed where services are more easily available publicly while also people can get private heath care if wanted
Privatised healthcare can be increased with public healthcare.more private to take the strain off of public
@9ZT4LML 2mos2MO
Just enough privatisation to relieve the public system, but not enough to become the main system of health care. And the industry should be shrunk as the public system improves
Again, both public and private are required. People paying high health insurance premiums should have benefit from that over and above public health. What is the point otherwise?
Less and the government funding being provided should be managed by a specialised/expert body to ensure it is utilised to the fullest for patient access which is not currently happening in this country. There is no issue with the amount of funding being provided but it is going to the wrong parts of the industry and the public/patients are not seeing the benefits.
@9ZQ2B62 2mos2MO
Both. Create independent private hospitals seperate from the government so people paying private healthcare can utilize these rather then use the public system . The public system should be seperate and the government provide further funding
There should be more focus on private health care with government subsidies instead of less private care.
Privatisation can improve efficiency in some areas but more investment is needed in the public service
Keep both public and private health systems, but ensure that public health care is readily accessible for all.
@9ZKSZGFPBB Solidarity2mos2MO
Separate the public and private healthcare system, stop Govt interference in private healthcare (e.g., remove the mandatory requirement for all private health insurance customers to fund maternity care and IVF if they don't personally plan to avail of it) and remove the Govt levy imposed on private insurance policies.
i think that private health care is fine but the government needs to put more funding into public healthcare
Less. Make the systems you have put in place work, there are ways to do this by spending money allocated for healthcare on what needs to be done. Reduce the overcrowding in hospitals & reduce the suffering of the people of the country. Sort out the problem with overcrowding and understaffed/over worked healthcare staff. Stop pouring money in to new projects that make no sense when there is already a system in place, a very broken system that needs fixing. The same thing will happen with the new hospitals the government endorse and the overall problem of a broken system will just be worse. Leave the private system as it is, it works well for those who can afford it but fix the public system for those who cannot.
The government should increase funding, but the private market should exist as a competitive alternative
A public only system will only work if there is total overhaul of the HSE as waitlists for basic tests are procedures and too long leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment which ultimately worsens the prognosis for the patient
Private health care should be completely seperate from public health care including location and not have religious affiliations either
Current format is good but management should be purged and accountability for meeting metrics implemented
More private AND public healthcare to reduce waiting times, increase hospital beds, improve diagnostic rates and make healthcare safer and accessible to all
More for both - the more private healthcare that can be accessed the less expensive it will be for people and as a result there will be less strain on the public hospitals
There can be an equal mix however there needs to be more resources placed in hospitals to be able to handle the demand of the increased population
More privatisation but not at the expended of the public system. I would like to see an increase in private hospitals as well as an increase in government funding for public hospitals - people who couldn’t afford private care should not suffer
less - but people who abuse their bodies smoking / alcohol use etc should be asked to pay for their treatment
Equal amount of private and public hospitals in a given area for an equal choice of both work and requiring medical treatment.
I believe we need to fix what is already in practice. The healthcare system is very disfunctional at the moment due to a high volume of patients and a low number of staff to go around. I have seen personally the delays in the healthcare system.
There should be a financial incentive to keep doctors and nurses that have qualified in Ireland or to make it attractive for them to return.
I am satisfied with the structure of the current private vs public system but the public system needs more funding
Why as someone who has paid taxes myventire life am I not entitled to the same health care benefits of someone who chooses not to work. In fact why are those people entitled to free health care...I have to pay for everything yet I'm still paying taxes!!!
there should be a little bit more, unless the person is dying and to poor to pay for healthcare, hospitals should be privatised
It needs structural Overhaul but I support the current model but propose strict split of public and private for both resources and assets
Privatisation exist through a failure of the current model, if it worked as planned then less privatisation.
the health insurance companies should build their own hospitals
Health insurance companies should build there own hospitals
Privatisation but accessibility, according to what is affordable to each individual availing of private healthcare.
Privatisation should be encouraged as it reduces burdan on state finances however services/costs should be regulated.
The public healthcare just needs to be better in terms of treatments and the capacity to which it can treat people, waiting times are ridiculously long
There should be more funding in both sectors, however, if privatisation helps reduce waiting time for the public system, then maybe
The healthcare system in general is a disgrace. More funding needs ti he put into public to increase benefits. Private should have fewer benefits as a result
People who can afford better health care should be able to pay for better health care. This would mean shorter waiting times. However health care should be available to all in the cases of serious health issues I.E transplants major surgery regardless of a que
equal amounts of privatisation of hospital and healthcare services. Semi privatised hospitals with contracts
enjoy current. system however prices should drop and overall look at the sector as a whole to improve is needed
This is a broad question. It depends on the needs of the Irish public. Improve the public system but private options are essential depending on the service required.
NBS system doesn’t work either, Ireland woudlnt be able to cope with demand for gp visits if they became free, some public gp in disadvantaged areas, encourage employers to contribute to private health care, expand medial card for longterm illness patients, subsidise women’s health screening and consultations, cancer detection programs.
All hospitals and Healthcare services should be government funded, though private ones can exist as long as they follow medical guidelines like other hospitals
Public hospitals should always be the main and most funded hospitals this will allow private hospitals to grow as there will be a better educated and wealthier class of peolle avle to have both public and private healthcare.
Govt funding needs to be directed in a better way. cost for accessing the hospital by employees is a problem due to current transport system which needs to be acknowledged.
Basically it should be less privatised but somehow retain staff and talent. Possibly chop half of admin jobs and senior administrators that have overlooked failures. Incentivise doctors to remain in tenure and not go into consulting
Govt should stop interfering in private healthcare (drop the levy on private insurance clients) and drop the mandatory requirement that private insurance clients all take cover for maternity care, IVF, addiction treatment etc (these should be options on a policy, like all the other options).
We support a universal healthcare here in Ireland
Why? IMHO, it has been proven conclusively that government messes up anything and everything that they try to run themselves. Their purpose should be to do what the individual cannot do for themselves/cannot do as well for themselves, and nothing more. Also, if you let government run your healthcare, I find that you inevitably get politicians saying, "well, you have to see this doctor...and you can't take this drug that's 98% would cost us too much. Instead, you need to take this one that's only 50% effective". Not exactly what you want to hear if suffering from a chronic disease or ailment, is it? "What? You mean to tell me that I have to keep suffering, just so you can save a buck (Euro) or two?"
More privatisation, subsidised by government funding making it more efficient and more accessible to citizens
More privatisation and divisions to allow experts with medical qualifications to manage and provide exceptional healthcare services, with the government providing grants and subsidies towards patient treatment. The government and HSE are not fit for purpose when it comes to healthcare.
There should not be necessarily more or less privatisation, but rather the public side of the healthcare system should be fundamentally changed to make it more efficient and effective (management changes, hospital staff should have incentive to work efficiently)
health companies should build there own hospitals
Less privatization but a huge improvement in the Irish Health industry is needed to reduce waiting times, lack of services etc.
Health insurance companies should build there on hospitals
it should all be public and accesible the public health is more important than money
@8YLXLQPSocial Democrats3yrs3Y
hospital and healthcare services should be overhauled primary care should be expanded the objective here is to reduce the need of in patients
Health system in Ireland is a disgrace and more funding should go into certain hospital equipment and encourage equals between nurses and doctors
Current system is a money pit, Hse is top heavy and inefficient . System needs to be reformed. Middle income workers paying high taxes and reliant on an unfit for purpose healthcare system with long waiting lists . Appalling mental health services. Expensive dentists etc.
@8WD3WNJSocial Democrats3yrs3Y
There's enough funding for the current public health service. It's just being spent on management layers. Reduce the waste and spend the money where it's needed most.
More, make healthcare privately run but government funded.
More, make healthcare privately run but publicly funded.
More, make hospitals privately run but government funded.
private insurers should build there own hospitals
The private health insurance companies should have there own hospitals
@8TQCLCKFianna Fáil3yrs3Y
I am happy with the current system but believe that there should be more funding for public hospitals and healthcare services.
The private health insureres should build there own hospitals
universal healthcare all the way
Privatisation of service delivery is irrelevant. Single Payer is important
The health insurance companies should build there own hospitals
There should be an increase in both.
@8P8MZJHFianna Fáil4yrs4Y
Give government contracts to serve the people to the private healthcare industry
I believe that there should be a balance of both. I also believe that it should be taken into consideration that n o every one can afford a private hospital/ healthcare.
There should be privatisation of hospital and healthcare services with government subsidies
Lower the price range and also fund more into the public health service
Increase the amount of public healthcare and keep the private sector as is
the health insurance companies should build there own hospitals
Insurance companies should build their own hospitals
universal healthcare with Socialized medicine is vital & Essential
Any privatised entity should not be subsidised by the Government. However, they should work with health providers as an option for patients who want to choose and should be affordable.
Health insurances companies should build there own hospitals
Not the issue with our system
A combination based on disease and effort from the patient and also more independent monitoring of the particular services at frequent intervals to higher standards and avoid exploitation and corruption. Particular diseases are self inflicted or controversial and funding or payments should be filtered according the discernment and effort of patient and standard of care
I don't believe so, no. However I do believe that private healthcare patients should be treated in private hospital and not public hospitals.
More, with mandatory insurance & social protection.
semi private healthcare with semi private health insurance which should be made available for all throughout Ireland
Sláintecare should be implemented
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