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82 Replies

 @9ZDY96PFine Gaelanswered…4mos4MO

A year of either military or public service should be mandatory for all citizens . To be completed before the age of 30.


No, but anyone receiving employment benefits for a prolonged period of time without evidence of job seeking should be sent to the army


No but there should be an expansion in training for the civil defense and encouragement to participate

 @B2245XSfrom North Carolina  answered…3mos3MO

Yes either military or community volunteer service ( 1 year) that can be earned in 3 month intervals over a four year period


Remove transition year in schools and make it a year in training for ALL 16 year olds to live away from home, no mobile phones ( or at minimum one hour per day at a set time in the evening). Training should include, understanding the community...meals on wheels, active age, tidy towns etc. They should all learn how to manage their finances including how to make tax returns, the value of saving and how to budget. They should all receive road safety training, learn to drive and pass their theory and driving test. They should understand politics and how a government is run, why their vote/vo…  Read more


I'd say the men should be require to atleast serve one year in the material, to give them the mentality it needs like other countries and to have a serious contribute to the country


The mandatory training should be for able bodied men. Same training for foreigners (unless it interferes with their country's mandatory military training of it has one) and citizens but they would be called into different sections of the military later on if needed (army or auxiliary). Training will be mostly for military things like combat and weapons but include some normal education and skill development

 @9ZMM8LLSinn Féinanswered…4mos4MO

No, but community service of a reasonable amount of hours should be mandatory for all aged 18+ such as with the civil defence, retained fire service, community based charity or county council

 @9ZLV638Fianna Fáilanswered…4mos4MO

Not every citizen. A system like other European nations where only a portion of the population must serve

 @9ZL578PPeople Before Profitanswered…4mos4MO

Yes to National service which includes but not limited to military service (eg first aid response, civil service, trade apprenticeships)

 @9ZJT6HTSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

There should be a year where individuals must focus on volunteer work and social work. E.g helping with a homeless charity

 @9ZHZC4SSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

No, but provide incentives to do so, such as lower barriers to entry for further education and university by way of partially or fully subsidised tuition fees etc.

 @9ZHD4LRSocial Democratsfrom Illinois  answered…4mos4MO

No, but there should be a national service requirement- military or in other nonviolent national projects


Not conscription, but they're should be an optional year in the military service for 18 year olds focusing on discipline education and skill development. Also a cadet programme for transition year students should be explored


No, but every 18 year old citizen should be trained in firearms or combat for self defense for up to one year.


Yes, if they do not work or do not have a disability or are not trying to do anything like further education then yes they should have 1 year. However I dont think they should be deported to any country as they would not have enough experience.


No, but other options such as social services should be required for young adults in order to keep them from crime/drug use.


Yes, it should focus on discipline, Health, Education and Building a useful skill set and should less militaristic and more that of civil service, helping communities, homeless, animal shelters and such


You should be given a choice of service if you are physically/mentally capable. Regardless of background but vetted for capacity


Not everyone is suited to military service - exceptions should be made for those who would not be able to serve like those with certain mental health issues.

A time frame might need to be considered like serve between 18-25 years old.

Focus should definitely be on skills and education more so. As well as what their relevant skills as people are - many aren’t suited to certain roles and may be more effective in admin or back office roles. A mixed approach could be considered collaborating with universities and further education programmes to include it in a year of education (kind of like the work placement year / year abroad system).

Ultimately it would need a lot more thought and research to be considered for me.


Absolutely NOT. Service should be a choice and not a requirement. No one should be forced to do anything they don’t want to do.


Should provide service to the country in some way, maybe helping in a nursing home or homeless shelter etc. to humble every body and let them see the real world


Add on to this answer - Yes, but with less focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development. There should be a choice between military service and other services like Irish Coast Guard, EMT's etc.


It should be encouraged further as an opportunity for troubled youths or unemployed but with more of an emphasis on education and skills training

 @9LRVPFWIndependent Leftanswered…10mos10MO

National Service, not just military, but something like a Peace Corps should be an option for those aged 18.

 @9K94ZLQSocial Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

Yes, but with equal focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development. Also ensure that if completed, people have a choice to join the reserves

 @9JJWFYQ answered…1yr1Y

Those who are starting to build a criminal record and who do not pursue education/employment should be incentivised.


No l, but only if there is a near risk that will require a skilled population to fight for the country.

 @9HWVNVGSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

No, but encourage and recommend them to by setting up a scheme that allows for cheaper tuition fees and housing options in exchange for military service


No for military service but ireland should establish an irish aid corps that allows irish people of any age to apply and serve for 2 years. This would come with tax incentives, subsidesd education and monthly stipends upon return or during for family members you support.


More emphasis on the pact, have it similar to years such as TY or internship year in college where it’s paid. Must do it once in life time


One year of national service, working in the community, whether military, opw, working for the council and providing community services


Depends on their plans for adult life as if they want to be unemployed and on the dole then yes but if have plans for further education or work then no


It should be 18 months - 2 years, and there should be an option for public/community service instead of just military service


Yes but it should be a civil service that focuses on helping the community and fostering empathy with those who need more help than others.


I think this idea has merit, but I don't think it should automatically be military service -- there should be civilian service options for pacifists and those who would not meet military standards for health reasons.


We should stop sending our sons and daughters to war for the people sitting in bunkers giving orders.

 @9FKTBRHSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

No, but provide incentives and bonuses in exchange for serving. Cheaper tuition fees or housing, as an example


Yes but it should be optional for women and you shouldn't have to do it if you have mental or physical disability


Yes, but around two to four years broken up into segments. It should be basic defense and optional full combat ready for women.


No, but not-in employment, education or training school leavers should be compelled to provide some form of civic service


Yes, but only in a time of crisis or high international or national tension.


Yes because, it can stregthen a country from the inside through the people. Because the easiest way to take down a cpuntry is from the inside


Service of some sort should be done, either community, social or military


Yes, but not specifically military. There should be multiple areas where people can provide services, such as community service, international aid etc

 @8XSVGX7Social Democratsanswered…3yrs3Y

No, not in the military but in an alternative scheme that focuses on personal development, skills building, mental health interventions, widening horizons and community development.


Yes, but with less focus on military training and more focus on community service


Not forced, but have a one year programme and encourage people to participate


Once someone turns 18 they should have to do retail work for a minimum of 3 years to teach them not to be a **** to people working in retail


2 years service in the Reserve Defense Forces, with an option to pursue a full time career in the Permanent Defense Forces.



a national service system similar to what Germany had in the 2000's where national service was required but not necessarily military service for example fire service or health service. and for those who choose military service this should only be basic training and they should not be deployed overseas.


Yes, but those with criminal records, do not pursue further education or employment and have more focus on education and skill development

 @9BJW425Social Democratsfrom Sogn og Fjordane  answered…2yrs2Y

No, service should be a choice, but increase military spending and recruitment, to defend our neutrality


Part time training in defense of the country and ability to stay at home


No. Coerced public service is just as wrong as coerced private service. If the job is worth doing, it is worth advertising, hiring, and paying the going rate for.


No, but transition year should be made into a year for military training.


More young people should be incentivized to serve for a period of 1-2 years, after which they would be able to avail of state sponsored higher education or apprenticeships, and would serve for a period of 5-10 years as reservists


Voluntary conscription quotas with third level access benefits in return


Provision of a term of public service should be encouraged, not just military…


 @98PTPF6from New Mexico  answered…2yrs2Y


Would the obligation to serve in the military for a year influence your voting decisions or political involvement?


Yes but they should be given an option of being a carer for elderly and/or military service.


How might a year of mandatory service affect relationships and family planning for young adults?


In what ways do you think requiring a year of military service might change your perspective on global conflicts and national security?


Minimum of 5 years military service from the age of 16, upon completion you are awarded a undergraduates degree that you have been studying during your service.


Can you imagine benefits in personal growth from compulsory military service, or do you believe it would be an unnecessary hardship?


If you had to serve for a year, which skills would you hope to gain from the military that could be beneficial in civilian life?


How would a mandatory year of military service at 18 impact your plans for education or starting a career?


If given a choice, would you prefer alternative forms of national service, such as in healthcare or community work, over military service?


How do you perceive the balance between individual freedom and civic duty when considering a year of compulsory military service?


How do you think mandatory military service at 18 could affect the sense of national identity and unity among young people?


Do you feel that the discipline and structure of the military could be an effective tool in shaping responsible adults, or is it too restrictive?


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