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Less harmful than some legal substances, has potential medicinal uses, the legal sale can be taxed, decriminalisation/legalisation reduces prison overpopulation and can reduce overall crime rate.


It is less harmful than alcohol and has medical benefits. Criminilisation does not prevent use, it only causes buyers to support an underground unregulated market.


Cannabis prohibition has been just as ineffective, inefficient, and problematic as alcohol prohibition. Cannabis is objectively less harmful than alcohol to the consumer and to society. It is less toxic, less harmful to the body, less addictive, and less likely to contribute to violent or reckless behavior. Adults should not be punished for making the safer choice to use cannabis instead of alcohol, if that is what they prefer. Regulating cannabis like alcohol will replace the uncontrolled illicit market with a tightly regulated system. By legalising and regulating cannabis, authorities actua…  Read more

 @9NB9JP8from Maryland disagreed…4wks4W

Marijuana is arguably better for you than alcohol; it has many positive uses; it doesn’t hurt anyone; and the government could tax and regulate it the same as alcohol, making it safer and also deriving funds that could be put to good use.


Not regulating cannabis leaves the profits in the hands of criminals, no tax revenue is collected, consumers are not protected from harmful synthetic or other adulterants being added. Children have easier access to cannabis in non regulated markets also.


Marijuana has been proven to be less harmful than currently legal drugs in Alcohol and Tobacco. Legalising and regulating the drug, using the taxes earned from the sale of Marijuana to fund harm reduction and education on substances in schools & rehab centres will help further destigmatise drug addiction and help addicts get help that they need.

 @9MLR59YSocial Democratsdisagreed…1mo1MO

Making marijuana illegal does not make it disappear, since it’s not regulated by the government people growing and distributing it can add harmful chemicals to it or it will simply be too harmful to use. Drugs will always be used no matter what, so at least make sure people aren’t harmed while doing so


The tens of thousands of cases that shows the positive benefits of therapeutic marijuana use to treat and ease numerous ailments, and how it has been a net positive for every country that has adopted legalisation policy.


It is a natural substance with plenty of medical and therapeutic properties used by many people to self medicate in supplement of this country’s failing mental health services


Illegal Cannabis is a subsidy to criminal organisations. If you legalised and regulated it, it would be consumed like alcohol and the producers wouldn't be doing murders on the side.


Marajuana is already a very commonly used drug in Ireland and making it legal would make it easier to keep users safe and make sure the drug they are using is safe


The regulation of the drug industry is the only option; there is no other. It will continue to be used no matter what penalties are introduced, and the best thing the government can do is legalise it and tax it


i think this argument is dated and there's been numerous studies based on how marijuna has had a huge effect on people for medical reasons and the legalisation of marijuna would stop petty crime and make sure the use is done in a safe environment

 @9NLQ4KMSocial Democratsdisagreed…3wks3W

Legalizing marijuana offers several benefits, including economic growth through taxation and job creation in the cannabis industry. It also allows for better regulation and quality control, ensuring safer products for consumers. Additionally, legalization can reduce the burden on the criminal justice system by decreasing arrests for marijuana-related offenses, allowing law enforcement to focus on more serious crimes. Medical use of marijuana provides therapeutic benefits for various conditions, such as chronic pain and epilepsy, enhancing patients' quality of life. Overall, legalization promotes public health, safety, and economic development.

 @9NWBZHN disagreed…3wks3W

By decriminalizing Marijuana, we help make this drug which is as harmful as alcohol and less harmful than cigarettes less likely to become a gateway drug to harder stuff. As well as this, we ensure that when people do Marijuana, they have a clean batch which helps decrease the liklehood of a Fent problem here like they have in the US. To add to this, this could be a great revenue stream for the government which theoretically should lead to lower taxes for us. However, that depends on the government.

 @9NQ8893Sinn Féin disagreed…3wks3W

You will end all illegal selling and stifle criminal organisation. This has been backed by nobel laureates such as Milton Friedman


Marijuana has low addiction potential, proven benefits and low risk, certainly much lower than alcohol, for which few people reasonably advocate a ban.

 @9MF5CDM disagreed…2mos2MO

You can't walk through town without smelling it everywhere anyway, clearly the demand exists. At that point regulation and taxation is the next best step. I believe a system like Spain would be ideal.

 @9MD6958Sinn Féindisagreed…2mos2MO

The legality of alcohol ruins lives every year, people will smoke cannabis regardless so why not legalize, tax and regulate it. The income every year can be huge and this will undercut the synthetic market

 @9NPV8S4 disagreed…3wks3W

The legalisation of marijuana would bring in more money to the country than anything ever has. It will also help people with addiction problems and substance abuse to fight such problems when it is regulated, tested and approved officially and not just graded "banging" by some local drug dealer. Legalisation and regulation will also contribute to less and less underage smoking and use of marijuana just like licensing the sale of alcohol has done. Legalisation would also see an immense decrease in antisocial behaviour, violence and hate/fear of garda presence and/or interaction and would allow gardai to focus on real crime like rape, murder, kidnapping and theft/fraud. It would also encourage positivity within communities, businesses and towards local authorities.

 @9NJGF9K disagreed…4wks4W

Alcohol should also be illegal if marijuana is. Both can be abused. Both are fine in moderation. Making a substance illegal is only giving power to the black market and increases crime.


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