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 @9MYD9ZZ answered…39mins39m

Yeah, I think it's a tough situation. While it's important to consider the needs of homeless individuals, allowing them…

 @9MY6TP8 answered…4hrs4H

No, but They should increase enforcement of existing regulation

 @9MY38KG answered…6hrs6H

This is an insane solution to the problems facing the public. A new charge here, a new break there, are we trying to bec…

 @9MY38KG answered…6hrs6H

Roll it into other taxes. We of course need to pay for the treatment and supply of water, and the maintaince of the infr…

 @9MY38KG answered…6hrs6H

This is a question of cost-benefit, and in weighing it, public sector borrowing isn't the only issue. There will always…

 @9MY38KG answered…6hrs6H

Obviously. People are innocent until proven guilty. Just because a man has been convicted of three robberies doesn't mak…

 @9MY38KG answered…6hrs6H

Not necessarily. If the student is already resident in Ireland, yes, much like our elections. For students considering I…

 @9MY38KG answered…6hrs6H

Access, yes. The terms could and should have been negotiated far more sanely. Punishing the UK for leaving was despicabl…

 @9MY38KG answered…6hrs6H

I think this idea has merit, but I don't think it should automatically be military service -- there should be civilian s…

 @9MY38KG answered…6hrs6H

Not at present and not over migration, but I do think we should continue to evaluate our relationship with the EU.

 @9MY38KG answered…6hrs6H

The theory of the NHS model, not the application. We already behave horredeously towards our medical personnel and drive…

 @9MY38KG answered…6hrs6H

Nuance should be applied. Some substances (e.g. alcohol and ciagrettes) can be easily indentified in law, while with oth…

 @9MY2J9J answered…6hrs6H

If they are going to work in Ireland after graduating then yes they should share the same rights as citizens

 @9MXWGGB answered…8hrs8H

No, but stricter regulations on who can purchase those products and where they can be consumed

 @9MXWCGB answered…8hrs8H

If they're built sustainably, yes. First clean up all the derelict properties. Apply penalties, green tax, on sites left…

 @9MXWCGB answered…8hrs8H

Yes but give a realistic timeline for conversion. And provide more incentives for alternative energy production.

 @9MXSPRH answered…9hrs9H

Yes, modular housing schemes would provide much needed housing that is cheaper, greener and has a shorter construction t…

 @9MY673N answered…4hrs4H

No, regulations are in place and any person should be able to invest their money as they see fit