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38 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10mos10MO

 @9NPNYZ5Social Democratsanswered…9mos9MO

The government should focus on reconstructing the derelict and vacant houses rather than building more


I think the government should incentivise the construction of affordable housing. Absolutely. This is very important to me because I’m a young person trying to get on the property ladder.


Construction of affordable homes should be nationalised and managed by a state owned Construction company


Any incentivisation results in greedy companies building to claim instead of providing services. The government should just build affordable housing.


The government should freeze the tax they charge on all the aspects of building a house therefore make houses more affordable, bring down the cost of buying a house it is extortionate at the moment and we are saddling our young people with that, it’s criminal and will have long term consequences which I think will not be good for our population in the future


I think more needs to be done for middle income earners who don’t qualify for this assistance but who don’t earn enough for the crazy prices


By affordable should make a regular Joe Bloggs be able to afford a starter home without having to be married or living with a partner. If an average salary is 40-45 grand , affordable is accommodation between Euro 160-200... !! Not the half a million they are trying to pass off as affordable housing.


Once the incentivization is managed correctly because current Government struggles to manage any capital project spending with public money.

 @9ZVRYGD answered…3mos3MO

Do something with all the unused and derelict houses around the country. Use what's there. Make the owners of these properties accountable. If they aren't used in a 2 year period, they should have to rent them or let gov buy it off them to sell to public


Yes, assuming the affordability of these houses does not come at the cost of poor materials. People need well built affordable houses


They should but not for hundreds of estates full of cheaply made housing but for modular homes, cabins etc.


The government should build social housing, not incentivize it by giving private investors access to Irish land

 @9ZH9GDKSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

I think they should put sanctions in place for corporations that are sitting on resources that stops the building of affordable houses


Yes, however the State should take the lead in building directly by re-skilling local authorities so they don't rely on private developers


If they're built sustainably, yes. First clean up all the derelict properties. Apply penalties, green tax, on sites left half completed.


Yes, modular housing schemes would provide much needed housing that is cheaper, greener and has a shorter construction time

 @9MQSRDM answered…10mos10MO

The government should build social housing and affordable housing itself and not rely on the private market


I disagree with what is seen as affordable these days. Affordable is still far to expensive for the average person. The government should self deliver housing


The government should be building affordable and social housing directly, independent of private development firms

 @9N4DKF4PBB Solidarityanswered…10mos10MO

The government should not be in the business of dalliancing with private developers for the provision of housing at all. The government should roll their sleeves up and start building public housing directly, cutting out all middlemen and profit seekers.


There are enough homes for everyone, higher taxes on second properties, impose high taxes for empty properties and discourage corporations from overseas from buying up housing and charging high rent.


Government should be THE builder of affordable housing - will help control the housing market and stop people being evicted due to circumstances they had no control over.


Yes, but further management is required to prevent monopolisation or property owners purchasing these properties.

 @9NWRGS2Social Democratsanswered…9mos9MO

Yes, and further management is required to ensure that only the needy Irish citizens can purchase these buildings


How do you think the cost of housing affects opportunities for young people starting their lives?


What emotions come to mind when you see homelessness or hear stories about housing insecurity?


Have you ever considered how much rent or housing costs impact the life choices of people you know?


How do you think your community would be different if everyone had access to affordable housing?


How do you balance the idea of preserving a city’s character with the need to build more affordable homes for people who need them?


Do you believe that everyone has the right to a home, or is it something people have to earn? Why?


Have you ever thought about how housing affordability might influence a person’s mental health or well-being?


Do you think building more affordable housing in expensive areas would improve overall social equality, or create more problems?


What would you personally sacrifice (if anything) to make your housing less expensive but more in line with your income?


Who do you think should be responsible for ensuring affordable housing is available: the government, private businesses, or individuals?


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