Capital punishment or the death penalty is a legal process whereby a person is put to death as a punishment for a crime. Brazil abolished capital punishment in 1889.
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Yes, for war crimes and other horrific crimes, but life sentence other wise as normal.
@8T3NV2HRenua Ireland4yrs4Y
Yes, but only if imprisonment were also banned. Legal punishments should be quick and cheap, such as mutilation/tarring & feathering.
Yes, I do support for extreme crime or termism
the death penalty should be the last resort
No, for serious crimes like murder, convicts should be used in medical trials that are otherwise unsafe for general public.
Yes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence and high treason, e.g Neo-Liberalism, Socialism.
In the case of child abuse and murder
No, only for horrible people like drug traffickers and criminals up at the top. Not victims who have mental problems.
I think life in prison is worse than death but I’m not opposed to the death penalty. If the victims want the death penalty or life in prison that should be the punishment for the offender unless evidence says otherwise.
@9ZVGV4YPBB Solidarity3mos3MO
No, but people who commit heinous crimes with undeniable evidence should be used for the advancement of science or for organ transplants.
No, in the sense that spending life in prison is a harsher sentence but also yes for truly horrific crimes with definitively undeniable evidence.
Yes I think it should be enforced for child rapists too and anyone currently or previously should be out on death row too
No, but longer prison sentences should be imposed especially for rape, sex offences, assault, manslaughter and murder.
I don’t support the death penalty. If you have committed a horrendous crime you deserve to rot in prison. Our system is a joke, life is 15-20 years, that’s not a life sentence
i somewhat do but at the same time i dont as i have seen how the death penalty has affected the black community by killing innocent people and i do think the death penalty is a bit biased towards white criminals who often get resentences whereas black or poc people often dont get the same chance
I’m the case of taking someone’s life due to them taking another’s I believe they should be givin the death penalty
@9ZQ2B62 3mos3MO
No because if you convince one innocent person it is too many . However some extreme violet and disgusting cases should be dealt with far harsher
Yes, but only in cases where a crime was committed against a child / horrific crimes with undeniable evidence
Depends, spending life in prison is a harsher sentence if they show empathy and remorse as they will suffer from their guilt but if they show none of those death is a fair punishment for the justice of the victims family
@9ZJ3CKXSocial Democrats 4mos4MO
I don’t necessarily support it but a life sentence in Ireland is not enough. If the sentencing stays the same then I would support it for harsher crimes.
Only in cases of rape or murder (cold-blooded, not self-defence), particularly serial rapists or murderers, with evidence as concrete as possible to avoid wrongful conviction
I support the death penalty as long as it is in use for cases including paedophilic individuals and people convicted of gruesome crimes like sadistic killings
I believe the death penalty should he brought back and the victims family can decide the punishment with the death penalty in mind
Yes if somebody took someone’s life in a gruesome manner or if a person is raped or if someone touched a child inappropriately or they raped a child they should be put to death and not protected
We don’t get to decide who should live or die. Innocent are killed because of miss judgement. Even the most evil criminals should not be sent to death penalty as how does taking a life from a killer make us any better than them.
@9ZBMXX7Social Democrats4mos4MO
Some crimes on principle deserve to be punished with death, but no person or institution has the right to enforce such a principle
Yes, only as a last resort for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Lesser yet still sever crimes may warrant life with no chance of parole
@9ZBBRY2 4mos4MO
I don’t agree with the death penalty but I think Ireland judicial system is too lenient with sentences for heinous crimes.
Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence, however it depends on the seriousness of the crime committed
@9Z9928G 4mos4MO
no, if there's a risk of even one person being wrongfully convicted then it's an abhorrent system. life in prison is a harsher sentence anyway unless one was to rely on a religious belief to justify the decision. the idea of the government having the power to kill anyone in any situation outside of immediate self defense is completely inhumane and a slippery slope into absolutely horrific circumstances.
Yes BUT only for sexual assault offenders, pedofiles, abusers, people caught with child porn/pictures, cold hearted murderers life for a life and family feel safe not having to worry them getting released
Depending on the situation as some people enjoy living in jail knowing what they have done so they deserve the death penalty but others would find the death penalty as a way out of punishment as they don’t have to live the rest of there life in jail
Prison is a punishment and a rehabilitation method a chance for change and to learn the consequences of one’s actions, the death penalty removes that ethos
No, death can be too generous for some
For cases of rape, first degree murder and child predators I believe in these cases with undeniable evidence the death penalty should be an option depending on the specific circumstances of the situation
Yes, but only for murder cases involving the murder of 1-2 innocent people. Mass murderers, rapists, pedophiles and any sort of child abuse and or sex crimes should get life in prison, as they do not deserve the freedom of death.
personally it depend on the seriousnes of the crime
Only for financial crimes that have been proven to exploit the working class as an incentive to prevent it from occuring
Absolutely support it but I don’t think it fits the Irish justice system. To much court and Garda corruption. I’d fear to much that an innocent persons life be taken in the wrong
If someone was to take someone’s else’s life, they don’t deserve to live. For example, if someone was murdered in cold blood, the murderer shouldn’t live. The only exception would be if they were fighting back the attacker and killed the attacker to get away alive.
As a last resort - for horrific crimes such as rape, death is too easy a way out- should be punished more
@9FS86XD 1yr1Y
No, only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence and when containment of the criminal is practically impossible
Yes but only for serious crimes like terrorism and Serial murders but only if there is an undeniable amount of evidence
Yes but again only because its cheaper than housing and paying for prisoners
No, the presumption of innocence is enough reason to not have the death penalty, and life imprisonment is ultimately a worse punishment for a dangerous felon.
Yes, but only for repeat offenders who violent sexual crimes
@8PXZZF8Social Democrats4yrs4Y
Yes if murderer is unrepentant.
I do support the death penalty but only as a last resort
Yes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence and high treason
Yes, for extreme violent crimes and high treason.
No, instead placed in solitary confinement for life
If rehabilitation is out of the question, full life in prison. i.e death in prison.
Yes, but only if they are taking more lives in prison
No, the chance of human error in sentencing a person to death is not a risk worth taking. This chance of human error, whether it be high or low, can and will eventually lead to an innocent person being sentenced to death. It is also incredibly hypocritical for the State to suggest that two wrongs make a right (i.e. 'killing is wrong, so to show you just how wrong it is, we are going to kill you'). The State should not have a monopoly on distribution of death, such extensive powers opens the floodgates for other forms of overreaching.
I support execution for hopeless cases, such as rapists, pedophiles and recidivist criminals
Criminals an sexual criminal against the rules with thirell themselves and order is ends is legal HAMILTON EAST and Wellington including Christchurch
No, but introduce whole life orders. Life must mean life.
It's too soft a punishment
In extreme cases yes I would support the death penalty
Case dependent and should ensure no parole
No, instead they should be put to use in the military
only if they are a meditated murderer
No, prison is about rehabilitation
sometimes, people who are arrested want to die for their beliefs, so a death sentence would be fulfilling what they wanted instead of a punishment, so they should be given a life sentence instead.
i think the death penalty should only be supported when a person has commited the most horrible extreme crimes
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