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Yes, but deny if the repeat offences are violent or serious crimes. Misdemeanors like possession should not effect this.

 @8S2P342from Connecticut  commented…4yrs4Y

If the accused cannot afford their own lawyer, then absolutely. Everyone should have the right to counsel, whether previously convicted of a crime or not.


Yes, but deny after three crimes, and it depends on the severity of the crime as well (eg: sexual assault, murder, etc)

 @9ZW3T2VPeople Before Profitanswered…3mos3MO

yes with limits on the amount of offences they have committed and the levels of crime, with more legal support for integrating back into society


In relation to drug offences, I do believe people should be offered help or guidance in the right direction to find help, but in general I think this question is too vague on the topic of repeat offenders.


Depends on the type of crime. If a very serious and severe or violent crime then no but young people or first time offenders should have assess


All depends on the crime and why it was committed. For example an addict who keeps reoffending is only reoffending to feed a habit. If they are minor offences they should be entitled to help. In an ideal world they would be offered rehabilitation over punishment.

 @9Z957JKSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

I do believe that everyone deserves free legal aid, however, if the person in question is a repeat offender and shows no signs for change, then the thought of reconsideration would stand to a certain extent


should be dependent on the crime, as often offenders are lower class. If its for a petty theft crime yes but nothing severe


Crime dependent, if help can be provided to rehabilitate the criminal then i believe all aid should be provided


Yes, but I think there should be a different stance taken when there is a serious level to the crimes


If the criminal does such things as petty theft and get caught multiple times then yes but for more serious offences then no


It depends on the crime. Do help them as they our a person at the end of day and they could of changed


Depends on the nature of the crime. Example, homeless person trespassing to spend a night vs class A drug distribution or assault


I think it's important to see how willing they are to change, and of course it would depend on the severity of the crimes committed

 @9ZJJB6SSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

Depending on the crime petty crime might be due to lack of education/ background issues only henious crimes shouldn’t be given help

 @9ZHWK9WSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

Depending on the severity of the crime. Minor crimes, the offender should be allowed free legal aid. Offenders committing acts such as rape, murder, domestic abuse ect, should not be entitled to free legal aid.


If the accused cannot afford their own lawyer, then absolutely. Everyone should have the right to counsel, whether previously convicted of a crime or not.

 @9ZGSDVHSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

depending on the severity of the crime, the reasoning behind the crime, where they were forced or not into the crime with evidence proving these situations


Yes, However if the offender has committed 3 crimes, committed a sex crime or brutal violence crime then no they should not be allowed to receive legal aid


Tough one but if we don't help they will get money through violence but it shouldn't be that easy to recieve


No, but rehabilitation programmes should be readily available for drug issues. Yes, in the case of self defence.

 @9ZBMC7GSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

It really depends on the seriousness of the crime. If it’s repeated non-harmful crimes such as petty theft or carrying drugs for personal use shows that they’re struggling

 @9F5WPFPSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

Depends on the severity of the crime. If they are for example a repeat murderer, no, but if they are guilty of a "victimless crime" like the use of cannabis, yes.

 @9ZDHF5KSocial Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

Repeat offenders of non violent crimes should be entitled to free legal aid, repeat violent offenders should be given a three strike approach

 @9FQF97XSocial Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

Everyone should be entitled to free legal aid regardless of offender status


depends on the offence - if it’s shoplifting or vandalism then yes if it’s sexual or any kind of assault then no


Yes, but only if they were somewhat forced into the same situation again because there were no options available to behave differently.

 @9KDZNQBFine Gaelanswered…12mos12MO

Since, sometimes the law can discriminate unfairly against minorities, it is a technical issue waiting for law to catch up with fairness.


It is a case by case situation. If a repeat offender continues to reoffend and appear before the courts, they may be in need of another intervention

 @9JDY4V4Social Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

It depends on what the severity of the crimes and each of their circumstances. Probably should be decided by a judge.


Depends on the crime, if its a violent, sexual, financial or harassment then they should have to pay, if it is addiction related or not such as serious crime then it should be free.


Obviously. People are innocent until proven guilty. Just because a man has been convicted of three robberies doesn't make him an arsonist, and we should want him to be able to mount a defense. The innocent only have a chance to prove it because the guilty do as well.

 @9NLGS5LSinn Féinanswered…9mos9MO

Yes, but dent after three serious crimes. (e.g. violent crimes). Lesser offenses like possession or minor traffic infractions etc. should not count towards this.


No, but there should be rehabilitation programmes put in place and an understanding of the socio-economic back rounds to enable that rehabilitation.




Yes if they only did crimes like burglary or car theft. Or manslaughter but that can depend. No if it is for serious crimes like hate crimes, rape, murder, attempted murder. Even if it was a single time, no.


depending on the crime, rapists and murders deserve no help but drug users and shop lifters etc deserve remorce


Sex offenders should not receive free legal aid. It depends on the situation involving other crimes


Yes, but diminishing aid contributions for those with very high conviction counts (>20).


Yes but after a certain amount of crimes they have to pay a certain percentage of the cost

 @8YLXLQPSocial Democratsanswered…3yrs3Y

For non violent crimes then yes repeat offenders be entitled to free legal aid

 @8YCBHMFSinn Féinanswered…3yrs3Y

Assessment of their ability to reform and the addressing of reasons for their criminality should be assessed.


Repeat offenders should not exist. If they commit a crime while on bail or suspended sentence they should be locked up. Free legal aid should be withdrawn after second offence. This is a gravy train for legal representatives who are openly playing the system.


I think everyone should be entitled to free legal aid not just repeat offenders





Yes, depending on the person's circumstances (eg a homeless person stealing food)



They should be provided with more long term solutions instead; along with legal aid.

 @8PBLS6TSinn Féinanswered…4yrs4Y

Depends on the crime. If their offences are theft for example then yes but if they had intentionally killed someone then absolutely not.


Depending on mental health status. Fee aid for those with mental health difficulty


Discern according to the type of crime, if its violent or theft then limit the amount of times for example


No, but doe or ding on the crimes they are committing and for what reasons.

 @98RP7PPSinn Féinanswered…2yrs2Y

based on severity of crime, time between crimes, offenders financial situation, age and ALL repeat offenders should see a therapist, as the reason for crimes is often more than mischief and mayhem

 @98MYSLVSocial Democratsanswered…2yrs2Y

It depends on the seriousness of the crime & it should depend on repeat offenders as well which is why this would to be under review


depending on the crime, if its minor theft yes or something like that but if its rape or planned murder absolutely not




Only if they are not among the lines of a paedophile, rapist, murderer, etc


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