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Regulation for vaping should be more heavily enforced when it comes to minors and there should be more work done in spreading awareness of health risks surrounding junk food ect


Higher taxes on unhealthy options and/or tax releif on healthier options. Healthier options shouldn't be more expensive


Yes but not junk food , although junk food can be damaging to your health it is not in most cases addictive like vapes and cigarettes. Putting vapes and junk food in the same category seems unreasonable. If you’re going to ‘ban’ junk food then why not ban alcohol also ? That is addictive and harmful to your health more than a packet of crisps but no that’s not mentioned. We should be teaching more about healthy eating and moderation, there is no such thing as ‘bad’ food if eaten in moderation.

 @9ZVRYGD answered…3mos3MO

Yes and phones and other devises connected to the Internet is just as unhealthy fir under 16s as smoking and drinking alcohol. Maybe even more so.


I really don’t know why were bothering about this when global warming has ramped up and there are homeless people sleeping rough on the streets

 @9ZTYF33 answered…3mos3MO

yes to banning the promotion of vapes, alcohols and cigarettes, but partial no “junk food” promotion ban, a tax on foods including a minimum amount of sugar in foods for example could be placed discouraging people from buying them as they will be more expensive but also a promotion in healthier fresh foods

 @9ZT7BGQSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

Yes to vaping and smoking etc, but Junk food should not be included in this umbrella as all foods fit in a healthy diet


while i believe vaping should as a whole be banned you cannot make it illegal for people to eat or drink certain things

 @9ZSRH78Social Democrats answered…3mos3MO

Yes to banning promotion of Vaping and smoking and other chemical substances but can't include junk food in that umbrella as all food is important in a balanced diet.


Promotion of vapes, cigarettes, and alcohol should be highly regulated. ‘Junk food’ should be treated like any other food product.


Yes but only ban the promotion of vaping and smoking, because banning the promotion of unhealthy foods will overcomplicate the advertising for cafes and fast food chains


No as this will create a black market for vapes which will put young peoples health more at risk.
No, with junk food, more stringent regulation on advertising to children should be brought in possibly. More and better education is needed as well as better quality food.
They should never ban something outright but tax it heavily. I definitely don't want to be paying for someones health insurance if they haven't chosen the healthy option most of their life

 @9ZMSDTXPeople Before Profit answered…3mos3MO

The government should invest in ways to help the youth that already struggle with this rather than waste money on marketing.


Vapes - yes, junk food - no. Anything that regular people can have in moderation should not be taken from them due to those that can’t control themselves. Plenty of people can enjoy junk food on occasion without it affecting them adversely.


Yes for vaping no for fast food as it is an unrealistic expectation set a goal more for health awareness of the negative impact of excessive fast food consumption

 @9ZJSZC5Sinn Féin answered…3mos3MO

I agree with certain things - vapes should be banned until further research / evidence is proven on their long term effects

 @9ZJ4BQZSocial Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

Vaping, certainly. Junk food, to a lesser extent; maybe by means of promoting health and exercise as opposed to completely condemning junk food.


Kid vapping is running rampant, junk food people may be more opposed to. parents need to take a stand on that regard on person to person basis. cut overproduced food


I think things like cigarettes and vaping definitely since they are a big cause for cancer but I don't think junk food should, etc.


Junk food no, vapes yes, if anything their should be more awareness around what the consequences are I think people don't realise until it's to late but it's also their choice their body and their life so we shouldn't say Bann more like be aware

 @9ZGNK9KSinn Féin  from Maine  answered…3mos3MO

no not ban, instead fund youth and community services and education to teach young people how to make better decisions & how to look after their health


no but instead fund better youth and community services that can educate and support young people in looking after their health and making good choices


Food should be allowed to be advertised but substances such as vaping and tobacco should not be promoted.

 @9ZG5QTY answered…3mos3MO

There should be more awareness around the problems associated with unhealthy products rather than them being banned but vaping should be illegal for Under 18s.

 @9ZFHXMJSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

it is everyones own personal choice but there should be tighter legislation on people who can access these things and restrictions but no complete ban


I think vaping/smoking for young people should be banned completely and they should try balance junk food and healthy food more




No, I believe that banning them would be counterproductive with people buying illegal and more dangerous versions


Yes, I believe vaping is a huge factor for unhealthy lifestyles and they have easy access to them. Whereas, junk food can easily be maintained.


Vaping should be banned. Education on the effects of a poor diet should be more promoted in school environments , but from time to time consumption of “junk food” is not harmful


I don’t agree it should be banned but better regulated that it currently is


 @9ZBRWZQSinn Féinanswered…4mos4MO

No, this as for vaping you should be allow to advertise the product but not promote the product. As for junk food for young people it’s the parents role to give there kids and teens a balanced and nutritious diet


Restrict the promotion of nicotine products like vapes but as far as foodstuffs it’s just too much to try and ban the promotion of that whole market


Yes to vaping, smoking etc. No to junk food, but healthy eating promotion should be prioritised

 @9Z9Z22VSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

Vaping yes. Junk food, no. Putting focus and efforts into education and initiatives where people have access to the nutritious food would be more beneficial.



Vaping yes, but not 'junk food' as relationships with food can have severe effects on the mental and physical health of young people.


Banning sale of vapes, cigarettes and energy drinks but not banning junk food


Vaping should be banned generally. Encourages nicotine addiction and so much waste

 @9Z997FSSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

Yes, and it should be illegal for businesses to advertise junk food products to children (eg. Happy Meals at McDonalds with toys inside).


a complete ban brought into legislation would take up to much law enforcement time and prison space I think people are going to enjoy unhealthy things either way just hope people have the sense to do it in moderation


Do a tactic simaler to New Zealand where the legal age is rising so no new smoker etc


Addictive substances like nicotine and alcohol shouldn’t be advertised anything else is okay



No but there should be higher taxes put on them to discourage people buying them.


Certain products such as vaping contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle more than things like junk food. Ban the promotion of products such as vapes and alcohol



not banned because e.g. vapes will be criminalized and treated in the streets similarly to drugs people are addicted to sugar i think a straight ban would cause issues

 @9YM9JRDSinn Féinanswered…4mos4MO

Yes to under 18 however not increasing the price as minimum wage and cost of living crisis is putting financial pressure on people enough


Vaping has already become a big problem government were too slow reacting. Now we will just have black market vapes

 @9YLGPR5Social Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

Vaping, gambling and alcohol yeah, junk food is fine, there should just more education on a balanced diet


Don’t think they should ban junk food, but should definitely ban vaping



No, they should instead make young people aware of the risks while promoting their products


Not a ban, promote heavily messaging about thr risks/dangers of said products accompanied by restrictions on producers.


Too ambiguous, absolutely ban vaping but to put junk food on equal footing here is silly.

 @9NP8V9G answered…9mos9MO

 @9NMGQG2PBB Solidarityanswered…9mos9MO

For clearly defined health or lifesyle reasons, yes, but there must be a mechanism to prevent bigatory stances (i.e. anti LGBTQIA+) to be sneaked in at a later stage.

 @9NJXVX8Social Democratsanswered…9mos9MO


Junk food advertising should not be banned, however vaping and alcohol advertising should be.

 @9NGMZLDPBB Solidarity answered…9mos9MO

Depends on the product, there's already a decent amount of harm reduction in junk food, but the way vaping is regarded is absolutely bonkers and I do think that more bans surrounding it should be put in place


Nuance should be applied. Some substances (e.g. alcohol and ciagrettes) can be easily indentified in law, while with others (e.g. junk food) it's more difficult to draw a precise line. Is this a power bar, or junk food? Are biscuits junk food, or a safe occassional treat? Etc.


No, but stricter regulations on who can purchase those products and where they can be consumed



 @9MX373XSinn Féinanswered…9mos9MO

The government should ban the promotion of toxins such as smoking and vaping. Junk food promotions should not be banned, but rather there should be an increase in accurate nutritional advice.



Yes to vaping junk food is the decision of the individual and not up to the government


Ban the advertisement of vaping and other nicotine products to young people, but not junk food


Vaping & Junk food are cheaper than alternatives especially for younger people. People need to eat and depending on the job don't have the time or energy to prepare a home cooked meal, vaping is cheaper than smoking so penalising those who use a less harmful method of getting something their body needs is the wrong way to view NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy)

 @9S6CY93from New York  answered…6mos6MO


They should ban the promotion of vaping and smoking, and any other addictive substances


No, people should be free to make choices about their own bodies even if they are unhealthy choices.


There should be restrictions, and an increase in public awareness and rehabilitative programs.


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