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 @PuzzledProgressive from Kansas submitted…3hrs3H

Sunak offers tax breaks to landlords

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…4hrs4H

Israel has "no comment" on U.N. Security Council Resolution

 @SimilarCabinet from Wisconsin submitted…4hrs4H

US borrowed $1.2 trillion in past 8 months

 @9NXPTSZ agreed…3hrs3H…

 @9NXPTSZ disagreed…3hrs3H

Offshore banking simply allows individuals to commit major fraud and get with it. While offshore banking within the EU w…

 @9NXPTSZ answered…3hrs3H

Freedom of speech is already a poorly defined concept, many believing it simply means I can what I want whenever I want…

 @9NXPTSZ answered…3hrs3H

This is a tricky question as on the one hand yes terrorists must be screened but you can’t abandon those who need the he…

 @9NXPTSZ answered…3hrs3H

This question causes more questions than answers and doesn’t give enough information for a yes/no answer

 @9NXPTSZ answered…3hrs3H

The government should look more at the fuels being produced than the cars themselves.

 @9NXPTSZ answered…3hrs3H

Yes, but don’t penalise those who can’t afford to change.

 @9NXP5HY disagreed…3hrs3H

We should use every resource available in an ethical manner to advance our knowledge in science. Potentially creating li…

 @9NXMBLDfrom Maine  answered…4hrs4H


 @9NWX4CX answered…10hrs10H

No, they should work to help give advice to cut energy consumption and emissions in countries like India etc who…

 @9NWX4CX answered…10hrs10H

Yes but we need to keep both economies working in tandem by allowing us to make a more competitive trade economy.

 @9NWX4CX answered…10hrs10H

Not to an extent. Depending on the expertise of the CEO they've earned enough to not stay tied to a relative number of l…

 @9NWX4CX answered…10hrs10H

Yes but only for those who have paid enough tax and rates into the country. Those that don't should not avail until they…

 @9NWX4CX answered…10hrs10H

More restrictions, but not for the elderly, disabled or carers. Stop all asylum seekers or immigrants from abusing the…

 @9NWX4CX answered…10hrs10H

Yes but only to maintain a standard outside corruption influences.

 @9NWX4CX answered…10hrs10H

For non violent offenders and misdemeanours there should be retraining programs for integration to society.

 @9NWX4CX answered…10hrs10H

Yes but with subsidies for those switching and allowances for those switched.

 @9NWX4CX answered…10hrs10H

Not quite yet. If we did it would be integrated very quickly so no. Not unless needed.

 @9NWX4CX answered…10hrs10H

I believe they should have members from all IAs come together as an agency outside individual agencies but only as a mea…

 @9NWX4CX answered…10hrs10H

No if it doesn't push left or right wing policies and sticks to what's needed. Yes if they push narratives.

 @9NWX4CX answered…10hrs10H

Yes if it means they re-enter Europe or we decide to leave but not to be a part of the UK lol

 @9NWX4CX answered…10hrs10H

Only in the case where there is a massive food shortage to an extent everyone is a ak risk from dying from starvation in…