Same sex marriage has been legal in Ireland since the Oireachtas passed the Marriage Act of 2015. Ireland was the first country to approve same sex marriage by a popular vote. Opponents of the act, including several catholic bishops argued that the purpose of marriage is to reproduce and the act undermines the unions of heterosexual couples. Proponents argue that same sex couples should be awarded the same rights and government benefits as heterosexual couples.
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It’s between a man and a woman
As long as the marriage is a religious ceremony I don't see what's wring with it I would absolutely support same sex marriage
People can do what they please. I do not care if they are gay or not. If it makes them happy go ahead.
My choice on this would be biased and personal and would not affect my decision on choosing a party as my opinions are my own and I do not need them to be forced on someone else
Yes, but only civil marriage. Each religion should maintain their autonomy to allow/deny religious ceremonies to same sex couples based on religious laws/beliefs. Freedom of religion (all religions) is a fundamental right in our constitutional democracy in the context of freedom of conscience and expression and should not be interfered with.
Same sex marriage should be allowed by law. What churches decide to do on the issue is of no concern to me.
Church and State are separate and allow Churches to refuse gay marriage if they want to
Doesn't apply to me so I don't have an opinion
No, marriage should be between people if they want with little to no involvement from State (incentives or tax breaks) or Religion (gatekeepers).
No, allow civil unions and provide the same legal framework but don't call it marriage.
i don’t see any physical effect gay marriage causes it is not unhealthy and does not cause disruption or hassle to any individuals life. i understand the right to opinions but being agains gay marriage is an emotional and personal problem therefore it doesn’t cause groundbreaking change in our society in any negative aspect
@96ZHD97Fianna Fáil2yrs2Y
Yes, and all venues to host a non-religious wedding
I don't think the state should be involved in peoples personal sexual romantic lives. It certainly shouldn't be bestowing rights and tax breaks on married people.
Only if its compatible with the couples chosen religion as I view marriage as a religious institution
Yes, but get the government out of marriage
I do support the legalisation of same sex civil union not marriage
Take more increase and order formed the greats of learning decisions is in process
Yes I do support he legalisation of same sex civil union but not marriage a marriage is for a man & a woman & civil union should be for those who are gay
Well it was democratically chossen but we need a Law against LGBT Propaganda but if the person is over 25 years old he/she will be considered legitimately homosexual LGTB
Homosexuality shouln't have pride parades it should be a part of private life by law only family and close friends are allowed to know
Other than that respct gays
We need to legeslate on Civil unions
Yes 1. What two or more people do in the bedroom should not be dictated by the state. 2. Even if it makes me uncomfortable.
Marriage is religious not political. Promote opposite sex civil unions instead.
No abolish that malarchy.
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