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38 Replies

 @9G9C7XLSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

I think there should be an EU intelligence agency but without having to merge other intelligence agency’s together

 @8ZVQCLCFianna Fáilanswered…3yrs3Y

No, but intelligence agencies should closely work together when solving international crimes


No, although I do think there should be a central EU intelligence agency, member states should be entitled to maintain their own intelligence organisations.


We should have a central EU intelligence agency but not necessarily made up from all the individual countries' intelligence agency.


A central EU agency should be established, but national intelligence agencies should still exist separately.


Each country should have their own intelligence agency, however all EU countries should be closely linked


I believe they should have members from all IAs come together as an agency outside individual agencies but only as a means to associate and discuss choices and outcomes.


The E.U. is not a nation and nation states should maintain their sovereignty and security, cooperation between EU countries in regards to policing i.e. Interpol is sufficient. The sharing of information should be freely offered but not to the detriment of ongoing investigations or potential military breaches


No, co operate with other intelligence agencies on a case by case basis.


No, but I do believe in a oversight body and a higher level of cooperation


No not merged, states need separate intelligence agencies, but these intelligence services must be able to connect to protect the EU, especially since there is the freedom of travel and as terrorists can move between borders



No but there should be greater co-operation between intelligence agencies.


There should be a central EU one for training and cooperation, however, individual nation states should be able to retain their own.

 @99RWGDLFine Gaelanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes there should be a main one but every country should have its own small one too

 @983X5HPFianna Fáilanswered…2yrs2Y

No, but cooperation between EU countries, and worldwide, with Europol/Interpol should increase


We would review that policy we do have over our intelligence agencies it may will need to be updated



No. Interpol already exists. The EU can set certain standards that individual states must adhere to, and do audits to ensure these standards are being met, but for an individual nations national security, they should withhold their information from other states unless agreements between individual states exist.

 @8YLXLQPSocial Democratsanswered…3yrs3Y

In theory yes but right now its not an because the rule of Law in countries outside EU


No, however intelligence should be shared so long as it has been legally obtained and is subject to legal oversight

 @beauchurleySocial Democratsanswered…3yrs3Y

No, complete centralization would put the EU as a whole at greater risk of infiltration, sabotage, etc, especially by Israel.


intelligence agencies should be merged to create a central EU agency not before they agree to give up their Independent status



It should be dual. A national system that can work in conjucntion with a european system when required


Yes, but only for countries which haven't had significant intelligence leaked to non-EU countries (e.g. Russia)


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