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44 Replies

 @9NPQ5W6 answered…6mos6MO

More, ensuring that the benefits are going to the people that actually require it, e.g an actual jobseeker, not someone refusing to look for a job


More, anyone claiming a benefit is required to join a scheme, for tidy towns, volunteering at hospital or courses for carers etc. Benefits are capped at 3 years over a lifetime.


I think I'd like to see both. I know that there are people that abuse the system, which is unfair to the people who genuinely need it, and I know people who the system has failed.


More, People who haven't worked in a certain time period even though they are able to do so should not be allowed to receive social welfare


There should be way more restrictions. Everyone who is able to work should be working. The poverty cycle will never end with the current generous welfare benefits. It is unfair to financially cripple people who are contributing to society by working and paying taxes in order to reward people who are able to work but choose not to


I believe the current system works relatively well to my understanding, which is not the best in all honesty.
However, it is too easy to create and find loopholes in the current system when searching for them.
In contrast the restrictions are unintentionally targeted to reject benefits for carers.
If a carer is not working as they are required to care for their child full-time, then they are not able to get their stamps which are needed for social benefits. If the child passes away, then the carer is left unfit for work due to strain after caring for years, and also without social benefit..


More restrictions and if a person can’t find a job or ANY kind within one year the social welfare benefits decrease and every 4 months after till it’s only €100 a week and if they get a job they have to be working a minimum of 1 year their before they’re entitled to benefits again - don’t allow them to get comfortable just enough to where they wanna keep their job and not doss


People who apply for social welfare benefits should be closer inspected to determine if they are eligible, also limits should be implemented depending on the individuals reason for needing benefits


More, make it a living wage, but provide it to everyone regardless of employment status. Universal basic income

 @9ZKSZGFPBB Solidarityanswered…2wks2W

All social welfare basic payments should be replaced by a Universal Basic Income with no strings attached, no Means Test, and freedom to supplement it with work / investments

 @9K8V4MKSinn Féinanswered…9mos9MO

More restrictions for Irish citizens who have never contributed to the tax system. Complete cut to welfare for newly arrived immigrants who have never paid taxes, in such cases welfare should not be paid unless in exchange for volunatry/ community work.


More, the current system of often exploited by people who could work but choose not to. Taking taxpayer and government money away from the people who need ot


Fewer restrictions, but reform the system so that it supports more workers/taxpayers than unemployed


No, hey should increase for more people in some sectors like childcare and health. Supervision should increase so the benefits go to people that really need them.

 @9LGQHHNFine Gaelanswered…8mos8MO

A fair society should promote job security and employment. For instance I have post-graduation and advanced degrees with international work experience but I am currently on Jobseeker’s Allowance simply because I’ve a Middle Eastern sounding Muslim name. I’ve no problem finding employment outside of Europe but anywhere in Ireland or the EU, it’s an obstacle. Plus I am also LGBTQ and I can confidently say there’s a huge gap between native Irish LGBTQ and non ethics locals. I remain closeted for the betterment of my mental healthy and sanity


More restrictions, but not for the elderly, disabled or carers. Stop all asylum seekers or immigrants from abusing the systemkkk


Reform the system especially when it comes to single mothers, the current system promotes them not working to be eligible for other benefits and they should be able to get benefits as required while also encouraging them to Irish their own ambitions for their self worth and mental wellbeing and perpetuations the vicious cycle of social welfare housing and unemployment and single and young parents



Fewer, but adult recipients must be full time students, then in the workforce, and those not in full time programs must work. Benefits should not be supplied to individuals who do nothing all day but wander and congregate.


More, but adult recipients must be full time students, then in the workforce, and those not in full time programs must work. Benefits should not be supplied to individuals who do nothing all day but wander and congregate.


Due to the cost of living crisis, a review of all benefit payments should be immediately undertaken


It should be means tested, less for people screwing the system more for people who genuinely can’t work or are in low paid work and need that help.


Fewer, and technically there should not be anyone that doesn't have the possibility of living decently (housing, clothes, food, socialise, etc).


More, but increase benefits for the elderly and disabled
More, reform the system so that it supplements, rather than replaces, a working income
Fewer, current benefits do not provide enough support
Fewer, and ensure benefits go to those that need it most

 @983X5HPFianna Fáilanswered…2yrs2Y

Fewer, those who are capable to work but do not look for employment should be cut off.


More, reduce or remove benefits from the parents/guardians of minors who are repeat criminal offenders, and from claimants who are repeat criminal offenders


I think people on long term illness benefit should be increased, these people have paid their taxes. And they should be entitled to the Christmas bonus and extra payments. Considering there’re the people who have actually contributed to the economy and when they’re recovered will contribute again.
I think it’s a big oversight.


We need a progressive system & a change in attitude. Too many people take advantage of the system. Many who try make something of themselves then don’t get the supports they need when the time comes. We need a more Sweden-like societal approach.


How do cultural values influence perceptions of welfare and those who rely on it?


What role should the government play in supporting individuals facing financial hardship due to unforeseen circumstances?


Discuss how welfare systems in other countries compare to your own; what practices could be adopted or avoided?


How might changes in welfare spending impact communities and their ability to support vulnerable populations?


What are innovative solutions to ensure welfare systems are sustainable and effective in the long term?


How do you think welfare benefits should be distributed to maintain fairness among citizens?


Can you share a story about how welfare policies have directly affected you or someone you know?


What personal experiences have shaped your views on the welfare system and its impact on society?


How would you design a welfare system that balances support for those in need with the encouragement to find employment?


What are the most common misconceptions about people receiving welfare, and why do they persist?


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