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255 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y



What about the millions of Irish people who have emigrated around the world over the last 75 years ? They weren't vetted, so why should we vet incoming people, just because we perceive them to be dangerous because if their ethnicity or religion

 @9K8V4MKSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

Yes. But not based on ability to screen for terrorism, it should be based on screening for any history of violent or sexual crimes


No, living in a high risk country is a reason to immigrate. Our government needs to improve it's ability to screen and implement deportation measures to anyone with a high profile.

 @B228G2Ffrom Alberta  answered…3mos3MO

Immigrants should be banned from all countries regardless of whether they’re from Ukraine, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Israel, etc unless they have been fully screened and cleared

 @9ZWFCTX answered…3mos3MO

There should be more and improved places or centres to screen and vet people. But banning people solely because they are immigrants feels discriminatory


No , banning is too far and extreme and not right. had the wrong idea to presume that every immigrant walking in asa terrorist it’s frankly racist but there should be steps to vet and document immigrants to not disregard the fact that it is important to know.

 @9ZVTXGTSocial Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

I don't like how Irish people see refugees and immigrants as a risk to our society and decide to call them terrorists when they're just looking for a better standard of living


This is a tricky question as on the one hand yes terrorists must be screened but you can’t abandon those who need the help


No, but if the government discover that the person may be a potential terrorist then thr government can take action

 @B2ZQY2FSinn Féinanswered…4wks4W

In this case only women and children and disabled people who have been vetted should be allowed to seek asylum


Well, I think so. Maybe not because this is very inhumane to people in war. Just be careful who is coming in but don’t be mean to them. I’m NOT right wing.

 @B2QZC6Wfrom North Carolina  answered…1mo1MO

As long as the immigrant themself had no criminal tries and has a clean police record, then there should be no issue with them immigrating to Ireland.


I do not think a ban is needed, but immigrants should be checked for any criminal history from the past.


As an Irish person if you want to move to Canada, Australia, America and so on you receive background checks, where possible I do believe the government should be doing more.


i don’t think they should be banned but i do think a screening should be conducted it just needs to be dealt with quickly


This should not be a question on this survey. The government should already have a procedure for screening out potential terrorists


A more vigorous screening process at customs should be introduced. The amount of healthy young men vs. Women and children entering the country needs to be addressed.


Not banned but should be a process, allow them in if high risk but not allowed to join day to day society until investigation process is done


To assume foreign people from at risk states are terrorist risks is extremely xenophobic. There can be Irish born terrorists.


There does need to be proper screening but some people are in immediate danger in the country of origin so they should have the opportunity to still come but with restrictions and prescreening.


They should be allowed enter the country which is their human rigit, the screening process should happen quickly


They should be ran true a system and see how much of a danger they could be in the ares they live in and keep people safe and background checks and keep the place safe


I don't think immigrants should be banned but I do think there should be a process and a background check done, especially on males who have been charged with violence against women as I do think this issue is getting a lot worse in Ireland


No I think it's inappropriate for refugees and asylum seekers to be Garda vetted before being given a safe place although it has it's risks our own people had to migrate years ago and now there are Irish families in every corner of the world now because we were welcomed and it's only fair to repay that now 800 years later


They should be vetted before granted entry, but we can’t discriminate just because of the country they’re fleeing? They’re fleeing for a reason


No they shouldn't be banned until there are improvements security but we should have a screening process


All immigrants should be screened before entireing country, this way nobody can complain about dangerous immigrants and they can still be let in.


I don’t think they should be banned but definitely screened for criminal records and judged on accordingly

 @9ZRXHFKSinn Féinanswered…4mos4MO

I believe the government should house everyone in the country including immigrants and then begin bringing more immigrants in when we have the capacity


They should be screened before coming in, no convicted criminals should be allowed into this country and be housed and fed from our taxes. House our own residents first and refugees and asylum seekers in need of safety and security


Background checks for violent or sexual offenders are needed but help for the people in high risk countries mustn’t be ignored


I think they should have a agency that deals with foreign people coming into the country fleeing from war


it needs to improve FAST, i agree with allowing refugees into our country, but there needs to be a really quick- screening process to provide security to our society

 @9ZRHS9YSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

Screening should be a priority, but it is not fair to assume. Some Irish people are just as bad as foreign terrorists


Not completely ban but for the higher risk countries, have more regulations in place to get into the country


The screening process for immigrants needs to be improved significantly. People should not be banned from entering the country simply based off the country they’re coming from


The government is at fault in that it should have better screening, its not the fault of the refugees who are in danger


no they need shelter provide houses especially for them on their own money while you check for terriorism


It is great that the government wants to help people from high risk countries, but there is not enough houses to take them all in. The government should sort out the housing issue for people who live in this country first before taking in refugees.


Partially. They should be kept secluded in safety until screening can be done then allow them to join the mass population


No, high risk countries force means immigration is more prevalent. Gov should have better means to screen high risk individuals.


Until we have the facilities to provide they should be banned as currently people are fleeing war to live in tents

 @9ZMJ5QXFine Gaelanswered…4mos4MO

I don’t think terrorism is a massive concern for Ireland however Ireland needs not currently able to facilitate high levels of immigration


This makes no sense and goes against the law of a person claiming international protection. Security checks should be more efficient and done at the first instance of claim

 @9ZLNTQTSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

You cannot judge someone based on where they are from. Every person entering the country should be screened.

 @9ZLM86CSinn Féinanswered…4mos4MO

Asylum seekers should be allowed enter the country but the government needs to improve the vetting system

 @9ZLF34TSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

No, but significant improvements need to be made to ensure that terrorists or convicted criminals are not easily entering the country

 @9ZKDRBXSinn Féinanswered…4mos4MO

Immigrants from high risk countries should not be allowed enter until the government can screen who is going to be a reliable that benefits the country.


No, it’s the governments responsibility as a member of the EU to make sure we have an efficient system in place to screen out potential terrorists. We also have a legal responsibility to take in immigrants. We should prioritise women and children. That could help prevent terrorists from entering the country


High risk immigrant should be held until it is made clear that they are safe to stay otherwise return to their home country

 @9ZHH9NXFine Gaelanswered…4mos4MO

Yes, everyone entering the country should have a full back ground check, failure to provide information, the person should be removed

 @9ZHC5BSSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

No, the determination of high risk is too subjective. But any individual who is or was part of a foreign military should be screened and placed under restricted licence to stay

 @9ZHB4BFSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

the government should screen migrants from high risk countries more carefully but no outright ban is required.


This would be a very problematic practice as it would open the floodgates to potentially use this legislation to block immigrants who are of no threat under the guise of being a potential terrorist.


I don’t believe they should be banned but each individual should be checked before allowed to enter the country

 @9ZH3W6FSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

No, if someone is from a dangerous country it is likely they were in danger there themselves and require asylum. However, these individuals should receive background checks


Everyone that comes into our country from a bad environment or not SHOULD BE BACKGROUND CHECKED we do not need anymore criminals or harm in this country.


We need a pause on mass immigration however those at risk should still be screened and monitored for a period of time before being granted the benefits of coming to Ireland

 @9ZGM46SFine Gaelanswered…4mos4MO

the process to get in should be way stricter but an outright ban is not ok - raises too many issues of racism


No, but anyone without a valid passport should not be allowed into the country and a background check should be conducted where relevant

 @9ZCJSMCSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

The EU should support this and provide very high risk countries a holding area that does not last longer than 2 years

 @9ZCJ225 answered…4mos4MO

They shouldn’t be not allowed but they should be screened for past criminal offences


Better screening should be in place and nobody should be let in until they’re screened


The government should continue to improve its ability to screen out potential terrorists, however this should not impact on innocent people seeking refuge.


No, but the government should implement more thorough background checks immediately



People flee high risk countries to be protected but there definitely needs to be a strict screening process to prevent potential harm


Not banned but create waiting lists to allow screenings and have more strict paperwork


I think background checks should be done more thoroughly but they should be allowed into the country regardless, they need somewhere to go

 @9ZBGH42Social Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

 @9Z9Z3C9 answered…4mos4MO


Immigration should always be done legally, barring someone from immigrating because they're from a particular country is inherently discriminative.

 @9Z997FSSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

No, but a thorough screening should be done with whatever tools we have available.


No a person should not be discriminated against because of their nationality. However the government should improve it's screening process.


No but intensive background checks are a must and no one with a criminal background should be allowed in the country


Allow women and children to enter but ban men from entering until better screening is in place


no but if people from High risk countries arrive and cause disturbances and violence they should be deported


Yes, not necessarily banned but the government do need to improve it's screening of immigrants

 @9ZWKH9LFine Gaelanswered…3mos3MO

They should work towards improving there strategies to screen terrorists and economic migrants without banning vulnerable genuine refugees


No, immigrants should be held somewhere safe until they are screened and then either allowed stay or sent back to their home country.

 @9ZWFMTL  from Maine  answered…3mos3MO

Implement more screening centres and places for immigrants to be vetted. Genuine refugees shouldn’t be denied asylum


Only as far as criminal records are concerned. And some sort of check to any articles, or social media presence of theirs since a lot of high risk countries lie about their terrorists so may not have a reliable record on them


This question is phrased incorrectly. Should the government screen immigrants from high risk countries & all other countries. Yes


Yes however they should increase the amount of efforts into researching the dangers of certain individuals .


i'm split on this everyone deserves a safe place to call home but the safety of it's citizens should be a governments first priority


No but better control measures should be put in place to ensure they are coming for legitimate purposes


No, but background checks on individuals coming from high risk countries should be mandatory and thorough.


I think it is a much more complex issue then just answering yes or no but I do think their should be stricter checks on who is entering the country as well as how they add to the economy once they arrive


They shouldn't be ban from entering but the should be heavily monitored/quarantined until they are screened


This is not about potential terrorism, but about the existing housing stock in Ireland and how we can realistically house immigrants. If we can’t house them, it is unfair to bring them in.

 @9ZVH8JYfrom New Jersey  answered…3mos3MO

Corroborate intelligence on potentially threatening individuals with countries with a greater knowledge of such things and deny these malactors entrance to the country


Yes and it should be for stricter for some countries than others. For example Brazilians or polish people who come here for most part have good track records while other countries like Nigeria or Somalia not so much. Regular stats regarding this should be monitored and regulations updated accordingly.


I think it's important for security but also that you can't say that the entire country is terrorists


This should of course be monitored and anyone who has a criminal record in another country should not be allowed into this country. However a blanket ban would only impact vulnerable people.

 @9ZTZRT4Fine Gaelanswered…3mos3MO

no, but there should be a more in-depth official application system and criminal history screened process


Get background checks on them and have them all Garda vetted before entering out to the Irish public


the vetting process should be increased for all immigrants and refugees and not targeted towards specific countries


I don't think they should be banned, simply denied entry or given a date when in which we have these screening abilities in place when they can enter. It is in place in many other countries


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