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25 Replies


Net zero by 2050 is INCREDIBLY insufficient. Net zero requirements should be much more urgent/drastic.


yes, but be realistic about timelines, progress and increase incentives and educate public on how to take part and do better.


This is a impossible target and shows how governments are living in a world of their own, it would cause hardship for the common man


They should cut greenhouse emissions to zero by 2030 rather than 2050, we're already behind the curve


As long as they do it in a healthy way and don’t damage the earth any more then it is



yes but only if it does not effect the lifestyle of people. i.e cost of living increasing


Yes, if it can be done without detrimentally affecting other sectors negatively.





Yes but also green energy is not the answer, the only way to do this is by introducing nuclear power in the interim to meet the demands of the grid without suffering brownouts while the sustainable solar/wind/tidal technology develops

 @9RR498Y answered…6mos6MO


No, they should work to help give advice to cut energy consumption and emissions in countries like India etc who the top 1% of the worlds countries for harmel emissions.



May be economically unviable do achieve it so soon but should definitely be the goal in the future


It’s a good goal, but not one that should take precedence over other, more important goals (eg economic growth, security, immigration control, etc)


Yes but only if viable and doesn't have a negative effect on lower income people

 @9MD6F3KSinn Féinanswered…9mos9MO

Yes with adequate funding so every house be greener and carbon neutral at the expense of the energy suppliers


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