Try the political quiz

16 Replies



Yes but with subsidies for those switching and allowances for those switched.


Yes, but only once effective infrastructure is in place to support electric vehicles. In areas where this infrastructure is absent electric vehicles are not viable and shouldn't be required. Commercial and agricultural vehicles should also be exempt until technology is developed to support the switch.


No, but ban all fossil fuel vehicles by a certain date. Allow eco friendly fuels and innovation


Yes, but there should also be emphasis placed on public transport as a better alternative


No, but the government should provide better public transportation and cycling options.


Yes, but only once effective, affordable and reliable fast charging infrastructure is in place. Exemptions should be made for remote areas and certain commercial vehicles


Yes, but only if there is also a concerted push for infrastructure to back it up, coupled with a robust public transportation network as an alternative.


Ban sales of fossil fuel cars (petrol/diesel) but allow for innovation of cars run on sustainable fuels


 @9MTSKWL answered…4wks4W

If the proper infrastructure in put into place prior to making the requirements then yes in time we just are not there yet across the country to support electric charging stations.


 @9N2M5PDSinn Féinanswered…3wks3W

Yes, but the government should establish a scheme to aid disadvantaged individuals to get access to a hybrid car.


The government should invest in public transportation infrastructure to reduce our reliance on private vehicles entirely. A hybrid car is not going to curb climate change and besides, private vehicles are a drain on the economy.


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