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Our public transport services are shocking so they must improve of course. But we the people must go electric to buffer the effects of climate change


Lithium battery's come from third world slave trade. Irelands too small a country to have substantial impacts on the long term health of the world, especially when the likes of Russia, China, India and the USA hold such a high % of the world's emissions.


Electric Vehicle infrastructure isn't there in the required amounts in rural areas.

Electric cars also cost more initially then an ICE car. This will change with time as technologies improve, however until then its not an option to some.

 @9ZB9V6BFianna Fáildisagreed…4mos4MO

Try managing in a rural area with large distances having to be travelled to work, grocery shop, school etc and being stuck in a regular state of range anxiety.

 @9ZKCK6PSocial Democratsdisagreed…4mos4MO

have they really been proven to be the best way forward
whatever about commercial vehicles not everyone can afford to trade cars at present


Electric vehicles use electricity. Where does the majority of the electricity come from? Fossil fuels. More people buy them, the government builds more coal fire plants just like they had to re-open several over the last few years. Nuclear power is needed or Hydrogen powered cars using green energy is needed.

It's a no brainer

 @9RZTNFZFine Gaeldisagreed…7mos7MO

powering electric vehicles with coal, oil and gas powered electric powerplants will not reduce emmissions


Environment impact on battery production and the electric grids capabilities to charge a high number of vehicles. Range for rural residents and cost of installation of chargers, battery life and battery recycling difficulties after 10 years


That is not all it’s cracked up to be. Vehicles are combusting on their own. Insurance companies are not insuring them anymore. Replacement Parts are harder to get if you can get them. People who can’t get replacement parts have to write off new enough cars.


Not everyone can afford them an and they are not practical for someone who lives in a rural are as there is not enough charging port and they are dangerously quite


Technology is nowhere near ready. It will get to a stage where there will be no used market as the battries cant even last 4 years. We would be in a position to buy a brand new car, use it for 5 years, scrap it and do it all again.


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