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 @9MFWP23 agreed…41mins41m

If you have not lived or worked in this country there should be no reason you can claim benefits here either. The money…

 @9MFRTYV disagreed…4hrs4H

They are living and working in our country they should have more entitlement than some people who refuse to work

 @9MFRTP9 disagreed…4hrs4H

The death penalty would deter violent crimes as the criminal will see death as worse than imprisonment.

 @9MFRJD5 answered…4hrs4H

No, because there are huge issues with public healthcare systems such as the NHS due to underfunding and understaffing.…

 @9MFPRF3 answered…5hrs5H

When environmental issues have been more heavily dealt with

 @9MFKG58 answered…8hrs8H

Yes, and increase public transport frequency/routes in the countryside instead of reducing it as they are currently.

 @9MFKG58 answered…8hrs8H

No, parents decide to enroll children to a catholic school hence should follow school uniform rules for the religion.

 @9MFHN5R answered…9hrs9H

Yes but should focus on creating these spaces sustainably and in a way that integrates community

 @9MFHN5R answered…9hrs9H

Foreign students should pay some contribution, since they probably have not paid tax to the Irish state before, but they…