Try the political quiz

11 Replies


Yes, and expand it to include all of rural Ireland that is currently forgotten about


Yes, but focus more on linking West, South and North and not just focusing on Dublin


Yes, and a significant proportion of this spending should go to the decarbonisation of public transport

 @98C2NGBSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

There should be more cross-border public transportation e.g trains from Dublin to Belfast


Yes, but providing more free public transportation and spending towards environmentally friendly solutions

 @9HPSHVSGreenfrom 24 answered…4mos4MO

Yes but in a more forward thinking way to help move people faster between urban and residential areas.


Yes, outside of the city centre so that rural areas have adequate public transport to local areas


No but we should make current transport environmentally friendly and ban all personal vechiles that aren't electric.


Increased government spending on public transportation should go towards fully improving and installing proper transportation.


Improve accountability for poor service, improve consistency of the service


No. Government spending should go into areas such as housing or healthcare.

 @95H54K8Sinn Féinanswered…2yrs2Y

It's okay as it is at the moment through my experience, it would be better to increase spending on healthcare.


Yes but since rail is x4 times more efficient it should be the focus. Lite rail and industrial transport.


Yes but in the right areas like rural areas, or extending a service out past its previous last stop


A nation wide transport system should be set up of many private companies in cooperation .

 @8ZBJCZFFianna Fáilanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, and the nitelink should be reintroduced to help people get home safely at night


Yes. City transport can improve, but rural public transport needs an overhaul.



Yes, and provide more free public transportation for those who rely on it. Eg people with epilepsy.


Yes, and provide more free public transportation for those who rely on it. Eg pelple with epilepsy


We should increase spending on public transport to develop train services across the country and a metro in Dublin


Yes, public transport services should be improved environmentally and in terms of cleanliness


Yes, and nationalize all public transport and spend more an eco friendly solutions


Where and when its needed instead of local councils doing jobs just for the sake of using up government budgets.


Yes and improve the quality & expand timeframe of buses & trains i.e. Dublin Bus


Rural areas and towns with low levels of public transportation should have more funding, but cities are already okay.


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