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 @9NFG7H2 answered…2hrs2H

Yes, but I don't think Ireland spending money to invest in it is the right course. We should invest in green technologie…

 @9NFG7H2 answered…2hrs2H

No, as long as the charge is directly given to the organisation mandated to upgrade the system. And they are forced to w…

 @9NFFTBG answered…2hrs2H

Parks, corner shops, bus routes, childcare, all the amenities that are overwhelmed when large estates are built near sma…

 @9NFFTBG answered…2hrs2H

Well if they invested in public transport outside the major cities!!!!!!

 @9NFFTBG answered…2hrs2H

People should be able to support family members but a cap should be applied.

 @9NFDMKQ answered…3hrs3H

Social Democratics

 @9NF9SYP answered…4hrs4H

Yes and no. Deregulate the Taxi industry. Don't require a license for transport services as an example.

 @9NF9SYP answered…4hrs4H

Yes and no, if elections are held openly and freely then no. Encourage more trade and discourage economic nationalism.

 @9NF9SYP answered…4hrs4H

Kind of, more like a Confederation like the US but before the Constitution.

 @9NF4K2R answered…7hrs7H

Only if it refuses to put any effort in anywhere else

 @9NF2HXD answered…8hrs8H

Yes , but once other issues like homelessness and funding for mental health/HSE funding has been dealt with

 @9NF2HXD answered…8hrs8H

It invaded privacy and could be somewhat bias but it is a useful way of identifying individuals who are dangerous

 @9NDWY4Q answered…10hrs10H

Yes, only after the age of 16, and after extensive psychological examination/treatment for any perceived emotional/psych…