Try the political quiz

1 Reply

 @9L4RSPXfrom Virginia answered…1mo1MO

I do not trust what the EU defines as authoritarian. The EU thinks Hungary is authoritarian, which it is not.



Only with sanctions that affect those in power within the authoritarian regime.



Define "Authoritarian". Only if human rights abuses are being committed and it is proven




 @9F2MBPCIndependentfrom Maine answered…8mos8MO


Unless the government is genociding people or invading countries than no as what the EU might see as Authoritatarian could not be seen in that way by the people of the country in question


No it is not up to the EU to dictate to a country how it should be run.


What is authoritarian when it comes to the government? I think that is a slipperay slope.


No, because member states with authoritarian governments should not be allowed in the EU in the first place.


Yes the EU should sanction member countries but authoritarian governments oppose Europe so it wouldn't work



Yes, but by majority decision by EU state houses of representatives.

 @8XSVGX7Social Democratsanswered…2yrs2Y

No, unless the elections were rigged. It should instead investigate why this is happening and work to remedy the causes.


Yes, it's not like they don't ever meddle in the affairs of member states anyway, it would be necessary to do so in that scenario


Yes, if it wouldn't destroy the economic lives of (especially lower income) people


What actions would you take if your own government's decisions led to international sanctions and directly affected your life?


How do you think a country's population should be involved in decisions about sanctions because of their government's actions?


In what ways do you think the EU should balance the sovereignty of its member states with its commitment to democracy and human rights?


Could sanctions by an international body like the EU effectively encourage changes in an authoritarian government, or would they harm citizens?


If you were a leader in the EU, how would you respond to a member country adopting policies you disagree with?


Can imposing sanctions on a country with an authoritarian government ever lead to positive change for its citizens?


Should the EU interfere in the political decisions of a sovereign country to uphold democratic principles?


How would you feel if your country faced penalties for the actions of its leaders?


How important do you think it is for individual countries to have the same political values in a union like the EU?


How might living under an authoritarian government impact your day-to-day freedom compared to living in a democracy?


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