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 @9N4G4JM answered…8hrs8H

Yes, but also to reduce impact on the environment and workers

 @9N4G4JM answered…8hrs8H

Decrease, foreign aid should be used for long-term programs which benefit the individuals and not the government.

 @9N4G4JM answered…8hrs8H

Autonomous vehicles should be banned until the government can properly regulate them.

 @9N4DKF4 answered…8hrs8H

All disposable packaging should be 100% biodegradable. Material mixtures make packaging both non-recyclable and non-degr…

 @9N4DKF4 answered…8hrs8H

The government should target owners of dangerously and stupidly large SUVs for congestion pricing

 @9N4DKF4 answered…8hrs8H

The government should instead be rolling out wider access to public transport instead of pumping more money into the lik…

 @9N4DKF4 answered…8hrs8H

Autonomous vehicles should be banned outright as they are too flawed and pose a real danger to society

 @9N4DKF4 answered…8hrs8H

The government should be developing high-speed rail networks itself so that the network can remain within state ownershi…

 @9N4DKF4 answered…8hrs8H

We should withdraw from the European Union due to the drifting of EU fiscal policy towards the right. However we should…

 @9N4DKF4 answered…8hrs8H

We should release all prisoners accused of petty crime such as shoplifting and drug possession. Violent criminals and so…

 @9N4DKF4 answered…8hrs8H

The government should not be in the business of dalliancing with private developers for the provision of housing at all.…

 @9N4BSJM answered…9hrs9H

All children should wear the same uniform, or clothing that allows them to fit in and not be treated differently. Especi…

 @9N4BB35 answered…9hrs9H

I need more options, to give an answer, have they come from somewhere in the EU haven't found a job yet they should be e…

 @9N49JB5 answered…9hrs9H

No, Palestine belongs to Palestinians and Israel has committed genocide against them.

 @9N49JB5 answered…9hrs9H

There are enough homes for everyone, higher taxes on second properties, impose high taxes for empty properties and disco…

 @9N49JB5 answered…9hrs9H

We should have a public healthcare scheme that works and pays it's employees a good wage rather than under funding it li…

 @9N48LQ3 answered…9hrs9H

People before profits

 @9N3WF5B disagreed…12hrs12H

driving has an enormous cost for society. To not have Congestion Pricing is to subsidise car drivers

 @9N3X94Z answered…12hrs12H

Irish Republican Party