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59 Replies


It greatly depends on the crime, fraud and burglary and and scamming and stuff is horrible but other stuff isn’t so bad

 @9ZHTGD6 answered…3mos3MO

Prisions are devided based on gender. Some prisoners may be more violent towards the opposite sex or even children. Therefore the individual cases should be marked as safe or unsafe by qualified psycologists. The circumstances of the crimes should then be reviewed by more than one judge with the psycological evaluations before release is enacted.


It depends on the severity of the crime that was committed. There is a big difference between shoplifting and stealing millions of Euro.


Yes, provided that they complete some sort of community service and also are checking in with their social workers making sure they get the rehabilitation they need


If theyre convicted of a crime against minors then they shouldn’t be released but for anything else non violent they should be released


i feel that in order for this to work an in depth series of tests and checkups needs to be done on such prisoners and that they are in the position to get out of prison and get jobs for themselves to keep them out of trouble or causing further harm

 @9Z9Z22VSocial Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

This is such a complex and nuanced question. There should be active reform opportunities given to prisoners, and ways in which the prisoner can prove that what their crime is will not be repeated

 @9Z9QT4SSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

Yes but they should perform community service daily and we should increase funding to offer education and skill building services for prisoners


Make room for non violent prisoners by putting violent prisoners eg rapist, pedophiles and murders to death penalty. More room in prisons and higher possibility for organ donations for people in need.


yes but they should have to do either community service or placed under house arrest for a certain period of time


it depends on what the non violent crime was if it was shop lifting then they should be but if it was co i would say no

 @9YN65SWFine Gaelanswered…3mos3MO

Yes, as long as the correct psychiatric evaluations have taken place and they’ve been properly rehabilitated to enter society


If they’ve done a serious charge definitely not but if they’ve done a charge that isn’t considered “too serious” with guidance of education and skill building as-well as parole then yes.


non violent prisoners that committed non violent crimes such as theft or vandalism, etc should be given community service, rehabilitation if the reason for the crime is connected to a mental health issue and education to help change the person and give them another chance, violent offenders for crimes involving harming another human being in physical or mental form and repeat offenders should stay in prison.

 @9YKK59SPBB Solidarityanswered…3mos3MO

The government should help put initiatives in place to reduce recommitting offences and try and help them


It depends on the non violent crime, tax evasion or piracy wouldn’t be too bad but absolutely not to anyone violating a restraining order or a sex offender


Yes, and they should be provided with social, health and educational programmes to help them integrate into the community


If they did horrific things in the past, I think they should serve that sentence, regardless of the overcrowding issue and that they are now behaving in a non-violent way. If the crime is something related to drugs or something non-violent, then the least violent crimes and least harmful people to society should be released.


No, how do you describe a non violent criminal, what sort of crimes has this non violent person committed. I think we should improve the imprisonment system, so when prisoners are released they don’t commit another crime.


Yes, but depending on the crime, what if it was a non violent pedophile who was found with content on devices? then no

 @9ZF7M5Hfrom British Columbia  answered…3mos3MO

Irelands prisons have more foreigners than Irish. Deport foreigners that commit crimes and ensure host nations imprison them or pose sanctions/ strict immigration policies on said nation


I think prisons need serious reform as they are currently cruel and not help people to improve abs develop personally. So yes they should be taken out and put in a facility to help them mentally


Because you can’t make a prison appear from thin air they should do it temporarily yes but there should be more money put into the prison services to build more prisons around the country


Depending on the reason they are in jail. If they have physically harmed others in the past and that is why they are incarcerated, then they should not be released and should be moved to a less crowded prison.


Yes, after receiving proper reformation advice/lessons as non-violent offenders tend to be more likely to re-offend.


No, prisoners will just play the game and before you know they will be back offending again. Ridiculous idea to begin with. Serve your time!


Yes, but only if their criminal offence was non - violent. IE rapists, murders, and people with assault charges should stay in prison regardless of their behaviour in prison.


it’s situation based, should be brought before a judge or jury. add education into prisons, find a suitable way of letting prisons be less crowded while still keeping society safe


Prisoners sentenced for petty crimes should be released but violent criminals, repeat offenders and high level white collar criminals should remain incarcerated


yes but they should be placed under house arrest and have mandatory reforming classes and once every fortnight house visits

 @9ZBXS4W answered…3mos3MO

Yes, but depending on the crime committed. For petty crimes the sentence can be reduced but for serious crimes they should serve their full sentence.


Yes but every circumstance is different and the level of crime that was committed, e.g rapists and pedophailes should not be let out but where as maybe people who shoplift or steal could be let out as they don't pose a huge danger to the public but instead other prisoners should be monitored while they are released and should be doing programmes to help develop important skills for life


A mix of the above community Service, house arrest, education and skills as well making more prisons/extending current ones - maybe a step down facility like function where non violent criminals have certain freedoms and can work and visit family but have to attend rehab programmes and attend community service


Only if they also committed non violent crimes. If it's a murderer, or a rapist, hell no, keep them in there


Depending on the crime they are currently being convicted of I feel some but not all should possibly be released

 @9YNJPRN answered…3mos3MO

Each prisoner should be evaluated on a case by case basis and in some cases yes they should be released on either house arrest, parole or community service depending on the case and only if absolutely necessary to reduce overcrowding, I think criminals should have to carry out their sentence and be offered services while incarcerated to educate themselves and properly be able to reform while incarcerated


They should not be released from jail. Government should build more prison and should build the programmes to make them work in the prison with providing them with pay until they serve their sentence .


If by non-violent that includes no emotional abuse, etc. too, then perhaps be released but monitored a little

 @9GQDWJ3Sinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

Yes, but they must have regular check-ins with a parole officer, and a evaluation once every three months


increase re-education and skill building programs, release summary and non-violent offenders to reduce over crowding :3


Depending on the previous charges I agree they should be released on the condition of performing community service.


Yes, but instead of spending so much money on prison services, spend the money on councelling services, rehabilitation and education


Let non-violent offenders finish out their sentences through house arrest or community service (or both) AND offer education, skill building, AND regular and frequent therapy to the incarcerated.

 @9NN29JZSinn Féinanswered…8mos8MO

Depends on definition of less violent. Rapists, Paedophiles, repeat offenders etc. should all be retained. Who cares if they are overcrowded. You commit a crime and are repeatedly reoffending, you shouldn't have a life of luxury. Learn your lesson.

 @9N4DKF4PBB Solidarityanswered…9mos9MO

We should release all prisoners accused of petty crime such as shoplifting and drug possession. Violent criminals and socially destructive high-level white-collar criminals should be still punished equally.


Yes but the specific treatment they get both inside and outside of prison should be based on the severity of their crime and their threat to society


Depending on the severity of the crime they were convicted with they should be released and do community services

 @9KDZNQBFine Gaelanswered…12mos12MO

No. Not removing because of over crowding, but as a better more productive and beneficial restorative practise. Imprisonment isn't always the best solution and needs to be reviewed.

 @9KD7H5FPBB Solidarityanswered…12mos12MO

Yes, depending on the crime. Things such as TV license and cannabis convictions, yes. Political crimes, fraud, embezzlement etc that negatively effect a victim, no.


They need to suffer consequences regardless of their crime. If the plan is to let them walk out of prison they should be subject to the same length term doing community service or house arrest.


No, we should increase funding to offer education, rehabilitation, and skill building services for non-violent prisoners


It depends on the type of non-violent crime. Financial crimes that victimise private citizens and small businesses in any way should carry prison sentences.

 @9X64NBW answered…4mos4MO

Yes, but have very strict rules on who is allowed out - ie; petty drug crimes not affiliated to gang land, homeless who shoplift etc


Yes, but they must go through a rehabilitation and reintroduction to society program, with monitoring for at least 12 months.

 @8ZJL3DQFine Gaelanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes, depending on the non-violent crimes committed and the person in question's criminal record.


there would be no overcrowding if the government did their job to prevent crimes in the first place eg. If the government actually decided to do something about homelessness people wouldn't have to resort to stealing, and improved mental health treatment, it could prevent people from getting addicted to substances that are often used to cope in difficult situations.


Depending on their crime, they could go into house arrest with an electronic bracelet or do community service while being observed by someone such as a guard

 @8YP3DV2Social Democratsanswered…3yrs3Y

Depending in the severity of the 'crime'. Sold some weed, fine. Committed millions in tax fraud, not fine. The emphasis in prisons should be on rehabilitation not punishment.

 @8YP37XZFine Gaelanswered…3yrs3Y

i am completely against prisons they should be abolished a a more effective resource should take its place


depends what “non violent” means, if its referring to good behaviour after a horrendous crime then no, if the crime was not violent then yes


We should have enough space in prison for people who are sent there, they should be provided education and rehabilitation opportunities while there and only released early on condition they engage in these services and prove they deserve a second chance. The current system of early release only creates career criminals with large numbers of convictions who serve very little time.


Yes, but they must perform community service on a daily basis, take part in skill building and attend therapy


Prison is about rehabilitation in my opinion and I believe that small time offenders that could be released should be released as long as they are still put under some form of punishment such as house arrest or form of restrictions


Make more prison space. If they did the crime they have to do their time.


Instead of sending non violent offenders to prisions focus on rehabilitation

 @8VJT56QFine Gaelanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but they must have good behaviour in prison they must do community service every week and have an electronic bracelet on them for a while and they must be back at their residence at a certain time


Yes, but they should be put through systems to rehabilitate them first.


Yes, however they serve the remainder of their sentence in community service with no opportunity to decrease their sentence.


Yes, but they should be released on probation with regular check-ins by local law enforcement.


Focus on rehabilitation of non-violent offenders as opposed to punishment


yes and we should increase funding to offer education and skill building services for prisoners


Yes but we should also think about reforming the idea of the prison system itself


instead of imprisoning non violent prisoners the focus should be on rehabilitation i.e daily checks in, therpy and counselling support daily


They should perform community service and receive education and skill building.

 @8QN2QL7Sinn Féinanswered…4yrs4Y

White collar criminals- jailed Non-violent theft- education and jobskilling Other non-violent- community service


Yes ,but have rehabilitate services and monitoring so they do not go into prison again


They should only be released if they have a low chance of reoffending and dependent on the severity of their crime



Yes, but they should be kept under control for a certain period of time.


If a prisoner can show that they can leave and live life in a normal fashion they should reduce there time in pridson


 @8GGK7CFSinn Féinanswered…4yrs4Y


depends on the seriousness of the offence and how long is left in there prison term


I support major reforms to the prison system in Ireland which would solve these issues


Yes, but they should be required to attend therapy and meetings to ensure they don't reoffend


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