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 @9MB6WMB disagreed…2hrs2H

We don't have open trade anymore with a large market. This effects Irish businesses and their profits.

 @9MB6T2D answered…2hrs2H

Sinn feïn lad

 @9MB6PXX answered…2hrs2H

Finna gael

 @9M9T39F agreed…14hrs14H

In Islam, women who wear niqab or hijab cannot remove it. It is a part of their religion. To suggest they remove it for…

 @9M9T39F disagreed…14hrs14H

Everyone should have a right to display their religion, it should not be a requirement for someone to take off a religio…

 @9M9LNFJ answered…17hrs17H

The fishing rights issue needs to be addressed, now that our actual borders have been shown to be much larger than reali…

 @9M9KKFX disagreed…18hrs18H

Cash flow is like a Blood stream in economy, if there is no exchange of money between people economy dies

 @9M9H8YF answered…19hrs19H


 @9M9BLYX agreed…21hrs21H

Aiding war crime committing countries in their pillages and murdering should never be what a country that claims it care…

 @9M9BLYX disagreed…21hrs21H

A country that stands for democracy and justice for all cannot be in cooperation with countries that violate the human r…

 @9M966WM answered…23hrs23H

There are more pressing social issues that should be invested in first