Should it be illegal to burn the Irish flag?
Flag desecration is any act that is carried out with the intention of damaging or destroying a national flag in public. This is commonly done in an effort to make a political statement against a nation or its policies. Some nations have acts that ban flag desecration while others have laws that protect the right to destroy a flag as a part of free speech. Some of these laws distinguish between a national flag and those of other countries.
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No, it's just a piece for cloth. Person who feels the need to burn it has bigger issues and we have better use of our legal resources.
yes but and add an extra year to the sentence if there not irish
No, it is the proper the respectful way to dispose of a nations flag as long as its done respectfully
@9ZMGKRGIndependent 4mos4MO
It should be considered the same as vandalising public/private property and the consequences reflect that as an act of violence/vandalism.
Why would this be a question, the only people who would burn the Irish flag is the woke fools in this country
@9ZJL48VPBB Solidarity4mos4MO
If a flag burning incited violence against the people from that country, no. Otherwise yes but I don't think it is ethical
@9ZJQ8WZPeople Before Profit4mos4MO
Personally I think it should be illegal but I also acknowledge other people's opinions and the right to free speech
I would rather 9 bad actors and 1 legitimate actor be able to burn the flag rather than 10 actors being legally unable to
Burning my flag does not destroy the idealism and symbol it has become. Preferably we’d still have the green flag and the harp as per the IRB.
I would never do it and I don't think someone should face charges for it but doing it is incredibly disrespectful to the country and the people and for what they stand for
I think it shouldn't be ILLEGAL, however people who do such things should be looked into, e.g. are they threatening violent acts on others. I don't think that any flag should be burned though, it is very disrespectful.
No, not as far as being illegal. If it’s because of being against our country then create a small fine but there’s also a fine-line between freedom of speech and straight up disrespect
I don’t agree with arson, however, I do not feel overly offended by damage of a flag, unless it’s a hate crime
Yes, and make it a criminal offence.
Yes Aslong it's not where someone would be offended
No, but there should be a very valid constitutional reason why they choose to as a political statement.
No if in a safe context (peaceful, organised protest for example), Yes if it's hooliganism or hate speech.
No, it is just a piece of cloth, nationalism should not be a thing
It largely depends on context, usually I would say its fine, however if it is used as a type of poltical ramification of incompetence, then no
I don’t support it but it should not become illegal.
No, but the British and Irish press should not sanitize the most salient of these incidents, which happen in bonfires in loyalist strongholds in the six counties every July. These are hateful, divisive, and ugly spectacles which Irish people not only in the six counties but also in the South and in the diaspora find deeply offensive and we get impatient with coverage of this as a mere community tradition rather than the bigoted supremacist disgrace that it is.
If you burnt it in your home, then no its not illegal, but if its in a public space or on someone else’s property, you should be fined and punished.
Yes, it should be illegal and should be disposed of properly but no one should go to jail for it only if it was done countless times and began to feel violent
We should be focused on bigger problems then the legality of burning a flag eg. climate change
It's disrespectful but it shouldn't be illegal
No, but there should be a fine
Accompanied by a 2 year course in civics
only if the flag is your property.
It should be legal if the country is attacking other countries or doesn't respect human rights to education etc. Example currently Russia and Afghanistan. Otherwise should be treated as offenses if done for fun, entrainment only with no important purpose.
I don't believe it should be criminalised but I do not condone this sort of action.
Not necessarily illegal but there should be a fine or consequence
Yes, but only if it is done out of racism towards Ireland
@96CRDX5Social Democrats2yrs2Y
If any country do anything bed(e.g. war) people can do it
Yes and The Person shall be punished severly
Should be illegal but brining the flag means they don’t like the county so deport them
The flag should be fireproof.
No, unless it is used to incite a crowd to riot
Only in a sectarian context
@97YN924Fianna Fáil2yrs2Y
Make it legal to do so but only the Irish flag no other nations
If they so chose to then they shouldn't be living in Ireland if they hate it that much
No bc if they do I will fart on them
I don't support the UK anyways.
as long as they are not trying to incite violence then it is not a crime, but I don't agree with burning of the Irish flag.
Yes but no, it violates free speech but it also is frowned apon
Not a fan of burning the Irish flag, but citizens should get tax credits for burning the Israeli flag publicly.
Don't really have an opinion
If they so chose to then they shouldn't be living in the UK
This is done in the North by Loyalists to oppress Irish people living in the North on 12th July. For this reason alone, it should be illegal to burn the flag of any nation.
No, unless its in public and could cause greater risk if the fire spreads.
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