Try the political quiz

Party of the European Left’s policies on science issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Irish [people] voter ranked them on the quiz.


Science  ›  Mandatory Vaccinations

Should the government require children to be vaccinated for preventable diseases?

  ChatGPTYes, they are essential to protecting other children who are too young to be vaccinated

Science  ›  Nuclear Energy

Do you support the use of nuclear energy?

  Party of the European Left voterbaseNo, we should invest in cleaner alternatives such as wind, hydroelectric, thorium, and geothermal

Science  ›  CRISPR Technology

Should the government regulate the use of CRISPR technology for human genetic modifications?

  Party of the European Left voterbaseYes

Science  ›  Space Exploration

Should the EU invest more heavily in its own space exploration and satellite programs?

  Party of the European Left voterbaseNo