Yes, as long as they are working and paying taxes
Yes, but only for refugees and asylum seekers

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Ireland users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


Yes, as long as they are working and paying taxes Or are refugees or asylum seekers.


Access to opportunities and social welfare in some circumstances where they have previously worked in Ireland and it is considered there home.


Yes, if they are refugees and asylum seekers and then after a time they get introduced in the working market


All immigrants should be thoroughly vetted and everyone who enters the country without legitimate papers should be instantly sent back to the country they arrived here from.


Yes, only for a very short period of time and encourage them to job seek. If no effort is made towards seeking a job then social welfare should be withdrawn from both foreigners and from irish citizens


Yes, for refugees and asylum seekers and for other foreign nationals who would qualify for welfare under similar circumstances to Irish nationals for short term support