Yes, but only if their hormone levels are equivalent to those in the gender category in which they compete
No, athletes should compete based on the biological sex that is listed on their birth certificate

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This must be considered on a case by case basis, depending on the sport, hormone levels of the transgender athlete and any other factors that may be give an unfair advantage.


Female to male transitioners should be allowed to compete, as they will not have experienced any long-lasting (potentially advantageous) changes prior to hormonal interventions. While male to female transitioners could be assessed on a case-by-case basis, it seems easier to not allow them to compete, as they cannot undo some advantageous changes (e.g. bone and muscle development).


depends on the sport (highly physical vs test more of skill/coordination), and also on when the transition began. if puberty blockers were administered and the individual then transitioned, then sure. if the transition took place after passing through puberty, then no, trans women shouldn't compete against biological women. this is a complicated and nuanced topic. it's hard to communicate one's feelings on the subject in this manner.


I think there should be another section where transgenders can compete against each other if they want to. I think every person, transgender or not should be in separate competing teams in accordance with their strength/build/height, etc


I think this is a very difficult question. I fully support trans rights and would love to hear more information on the options to approach this in sports.


No if they have gone through puberty before they transitioned. Trans athletes should compete against other trans athletes

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