In 2016 the International Olympic committee ruled that transgender athletes can compete in the Olympics without undergoing sex reassignment surgery. In 2018 the International Association of Athletics Federations, track’s governing body, ruled that women who have more than 5 nano-mols per liter of testosterone in their blood—like South African sprinter and Olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya—must either compete against men, or take medication to reduce their natural testosterone levels. The IAAF stated that women in the five-plus category have a “difference of sexual…
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Electoral Division:
Yes, in an open category where anyone can choose to compete. If women only want to compete against women, that should be respected.
I believe this stance causes more division and doesn’t factor in the possibility that a cisgender person could have abnormal hormone levels that puts them at a dis/advantage when it comes to competing in categorically gendered sports competitions.
@9ZGM5JV 4mos4MO
Silly questions like these detract from real problems the people of Ireland are facing and cause more division amongst our people.
@9ZRPF5BPeople Before Profit3mos3MO
For combat sport I think they shouldn’t be allowed compete but any other sport such as football it should be allowed
if they have gone through puberty before transitioning they should not be allowed to compete against athletes who’s gender differed at birth
Yes, having undergone hrt, however any line is blurred because sex is bimodal rather than binary, and biology is bad at strict delineation
@9ZLF34TSocial Democrats4mos4MO
Further discussions need to be had in relation to fairness in sport co-existing with allowing trans people to compete. There's a lot more to fairness in sport than just hormones.
@9ZHTGD6 4mos4MO
Yes, so long as hormone levels and weight classes are introduced and regulated in the different athletic categories.
Yes but only after hormone levels are equivalent OR there is enough proof of a full transition/consistent use of Estrogen/Testosterone
If it is proven fair then yes. It all depends on the individual. All transgender people are different and there are different circumstances that we have to look into.
@9ZFYQVLSocial Democrats4mos4MO
I find this such a reductive question. The transgender population is so small, why are transgender athletes such a high level of concern for people
@9ZDPDMNPBB Solidarity4mos4MO
Once testosterone levels have been sufficiently decreased, it should be taken on a case by case basis depending on the sport
@9YMHMRRSocial Democrats4mos4MO
@9MMNLHY Sinn Féin answered… 6MO I think this is a very difficult question. I fully support trans rights and would love to hear more information on the options to approach this in sports.
Transgender women should generally not be allowed in female-only sports because of an unfair advantage; Transgender men can be allowed in male-only sports because they do not pose an unfair advantage. Anyone should be allowed in co-ed sports.
Yes, transgender athletes should be able to compete in Open Leagues
Depends on sport, if its ametire or professional and tons of other reasons. Shouldn't be gov should be indivual sport regulatory bodies.
Yes but only if their hormonal levels match other competitors and they transitioned before any major developmental stages during puberty.
Female to male transitioners should be allowed to compete, as they will not have experienced any long-lasting (potentially advantageous) changes prior to hormonal interventions. While male to female transitioners could be assessed on a case-by-case basis, it seems easier to not allow them to compete, as they cannot undo some advantageous changes (e.g. bone and muscle development).
depends on the sport (highly physical vs test more of skill/coordination), and also on when the transition began. if puberty blockers were administered and the individual then transitioned, then sure. if the transition took place after passing through puberty, then no, trans women shouldn't compete against biological women. this is a complicated and nuanced topic. it's hard to communicate one's feelings on the subject in this manner.
I think this is a very difficult question. I fully support trans rights and would love to hear more information on the options to approach this in sports.
No if they have gone through puberty before they transitioned. Trans athletes should compete against other trans athletes
Athletes should not be segregated by sex in the first place. Make it performance related with different tiers of leagues.
Depending on when they started their transition - trans women have advantage of building male muscle before beginning to use estrogen
I think they should have their own competition with people in the same circumstances - transgender Olympics
No; I support trans people and their identities but contact sports such as rugby and football should be sex based to prevent unfair disadvantages
This is not at all important to me
Just let people of similar gender affirmations compete. It's not like the standards for the gender division are infallible anyways.
This must be considered on a case by case basis, depending on the sport, hormone levels of the transgender athlete and any other factors that may be give an unfair advantage.
I think there should be another section where transgenders can compete against each other if they want to. I think every person, transgender or not should be in separate competing teams in accordance with their strength/build/height, etc
Depending on a kind of sports: whether it gives competitive advantage on its own (strength and stamina based likely to be banned, intellect and skill based permitted)
No, I support trans people and I feel bad opposing them competing in athletic events, but the reality is that trans women still have male hormones from pre-transition, meaning they're taller and heavier in most cases and thus hold an undeniable advantage over cisgender female athletes
Depends on the context of the sport and competion.
Yes once they are matched reasonably with competitors in terms of hormones, muscle mass etc
@9CX7B2VSocial Democrats2yrs2Y
There should be a separate trans category for FTM or MTF
Given the lack of research into the topic, I will withhold judgment.
There should be transgender races or they should compete in what they were born as
Trans-women should not compete against cis-women. Trans-men can compete against cis-men if they wish and must do so if they are taking testosterone.
Have their own league if enough interest is present
depends on how funny it would be to watch
I believe there should be two separate categories for transgender athletes, m to f and f to m.
Yes, but only if their hormone levels are equivalent to those in the gender category in which they compete, except for combat sports
More research needs to be done
Yes but only if transgender athletes are competing with other transgender athletes the same gender as them.
Case by case bases, but usually yes
It's a matter for sports regulators to decide on fairness rather than politicians to rile up their bases.
no. trans athletes should be in their own class.
Yes, when they are at the relevant stage of their transition.
Depending on the sport, where a consequence could be injury or death (i.e. combat sport)
Athletic events should not be characterised by sex at all. Instead done by muscle density, hormone levels etc.
Depends on the sport. Contact sports for example are more risky
Transgender athletes should have a transgender federation. So for example You have regular Olyimpic games, Para Olympic games and transgender games.
Yes, but only if there are mixed gender events, such as a soccer team with men and women
Yes, but only compete with other transgender athletes
Should compete with other transgender athletes
no but let them compete in their own league
@8SWQVJWSocial Democrats4yrs4Y
Allow for athletes who didn’t experience the puberty of there born sex.
Trans athletes should be able to perform in trans sports.
Only athletes that transition before puberty and go on puberty blockers should be allowed to compete in athletic events and there must be proof that the athletes do not have a biological advantage.
Yes, but only either in the gender they were born in or their own category
No, I feel a degree of sympathy for trans athletes but Trans women have higher estrogen levels than cisgender women, thus putting them at an unfair advantage.
There should be a category specifically for transgender athletes
@8R9NKHPRenua Ireland4yrs4Y
No, saying you are a gender you are not in contradiction with biology is delusional
Leave it to the private athletic companies
Cis people should not insert themselves into trans politics so much.
I don't agree or disagree on this
In a non professional environment I don't see the need for restrictions. In a professional environment I think there should be some requirements regarding physical transition and that these should be tailored to each individual sport.
@96ZHD97Fianna Fáil2yrs2Y
No, but remove gender class from sports, and replace it with a hormone class
Trans altheltes should compete against trans atheltes
Transgenders should compete against transgenders
Should wait until their transition is complete.
It's a matter for sports regulators to decide on fairness rather than governments to rile up their bases.
Yes, so long as any remaining physical traits of their birth sex do not confer an unfair advantage.
@8ZP8PFFSocial Democrats3yrs3Y
No, transgender athletes should have their own dedicated category in sports to ensure fairness.
@8ZBJCZFFianna Fáil3yrs3Y
There should be a category dedicated especially for trans athletes to compete against one another to gauge their talents accurately
An issue I am currently thinking about in my head
No, the system should be revisited to change categorisation of athletic ability. It should be viewed on athletic performance rather than gender.
Yes, in the category of their own transgender
Remove gender-specific competitions all together. Why separate men/women/etc when all are equal?
No, because... 1. Athletes should compete based on their biological sex 2. Men and women, on average, differ in strength and physical capabilities
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