
Historical Results

See how support for each position on “NHS Healthcare System” has changed over time for 145k Ireland voters.

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Historical Importance

See how importance of “NHS Healthcare System” has changed over time for 145k Ireland voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Ireland users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


No, private healthcare takes the strain off public healthcare - funding should go towards free healthcare for those who can't afford it


No, investment in public healthcare should go towards providing care to those who can’t afford it. The option of private healthcare for those who can afford it takes the strain off the public healthcare system


Stop comparing everything to Britain in Ireland. A Spanish health care system is much more effective (or other European countries, the HSE is a farce)


It should have a system with great checks on corruption and management failures, which the NHS does not have.


Ireland should have a health care system that takes care of everyone and is better than the NHS that's much good either


Isn't the NHS an underfunded mess at the moment? I'm pretty sure the Nordic countries have better healthcare systems to adopt.