Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence they are planning to attack our country
No, they should be captured and given a fair trial
Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence they have committed an attack against our country
No, capture, interrogate, and imprison them instead

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Ireland users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9LLKJC9from New York answered…3mos3MO

Much of Ireland itself is currently a “foreign country.” The Free State’s collaboration with the Thatcherite death squads murdering the families of Republicans in the North was close enough to this and it was a disgrace


Irish Law does not allow for us to assassinate suspected terrorists in foreign countries who come here which is why we should update our laws


they should be captured and given a fair trial & have them deported back from where they have come from but according to UK Law they must serve time in prison the rest he must serve in his own prison ack from where they have come from


No, only suspected terrorists in our country, or from our country, or with an undeniable attack on our country, and they should be trialed fairly.


No as our military strength is not enough to manage any retaliation. Ireland should never be an aggressor.