Yes, and it should be illegal to burn any nation’s flag
No, I don’t respect anyone who does but they should have the right to do so
No, this is a violation of free speech
No, it’s just a piece of cloth that doesn’t represent what it should

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 @9LLKJC9from New York answered…3mos3MO

No, but the British and Irish press should not sanitize the most salient of these incidents, which happen in bonfires in loyalist strongholds in the six counties every July. These are hateful, divisive, and ugly spectacles which Irish people not only in the six counties but also in the South and in the diaspora find deeply offensive and we get impatient with coverage of this as a mere community tradition rather than the bigoted supremacist disgrace that it is.


If you burnt it in your home, then no its not illegal, but if its in a public space or on someone else’s property, you should be fined and punished.


Yes, it should be illegal and should be disposed of properly but no one should go to jail for it only if it was done countless times and began to feel violent