Lower the income tax rate and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations
No, but lower taxes for the poor
Yes, and raise taxes on all income brackets
No, keep the current tax structure
Reform to a flat tax

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Ireland users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


Absolutely not.I believe in a more simplified tax system and flat income tax . Income Tax 20% ,Corporate 6.5% ,VAT and sales will stay the same. Inheritance,Capital Gains,Carbon and property tax should be removed


The government should make a clear distinction between those that are cash rich and asset rich. A farmer with hundreds and thousands of euro worth of land is asset rich but may not have cash liquidity and should not be taxed at a higher rate. However a large corporation owner who is both asset and cash rich should be taxed at a higher rate as they can afford to pay it.


Income taxes are easily avoided, a robust Land Value Tax should be introduced. This would effectively increase the tax base, particularly to capture large land holders who are the truly wealthy in society.


Add a third rate cut off over 100k, but also increase current rate cut off points for 20% and 40%. Salaries are not increasing for working and middle class


It is a question best left to those well read in economic policy and of good sense, honour and standing.

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