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Define ‘rich’. If it’s a middle/lower class person who is working two jobs and getting over-taxed because of this then no, if it’s a upper-class person who can survive with being taxed more then yes.


Absolutely not.I believe in a more simplified tax system and flat income tax . Income Tax 20% ,Corporate 6.5% ,VAT and sales will stay the same. Inheritance,Capital Gains,Carbon and property tax should be removed


The government should make a clear distinction between those that are cash rich and asset rich. A farmer with hundreds and thousands of euro worth of land is asset rich but may not have cash liquidity and should not be taxed at a higher rate. However a large corporation owner who is both asset and cash rich should be taxed at a higher rate as they can afford to pay it.

 @9NN29JZSinn Féinanswered…9mos9MO

More tax for businesses. Those who are holding property should be taxed more. More tax on mass rental individuals.


Taxes should be fairly redeemed, if the earner cannot live comfortably because their money has gone on tax, the tax should be lowered, likewise if a person is a very high earner and a higher rate of tax would not effect their comfort of living then the higher tax should be paid. What I have stated is the same structure that we already have but it needs to be fine tuned to find a better balance I believe.


Increase the taxes temporarily to try and weather the possible tariff storm that the E.U might be about to face


I believe we should have a new tax system with about 5 new brackets taking a lot of pressure of the small pockets and a bit with the average pockets but a bit more pressure on deep pockets
I haven’t worked out the numbers but something like
-€20,000 10%
€20,000-€40,000 20%
€40,000-€75,000 30%
€75,000-€250,000 40%
€250,000- 50%


The tax bracket should raise taxes for those earning a salary over 90-100K a year. People earning under this at the moment are seeing half it go to tax and left with nothing. Struggling to save for homes and desperately renting these terrible living conditions


We need to prevent the loopholes by corporations yes. But also, income tax needs reforming. I think higher paid people should get an increased tax, but the tax bands should change. The tax bands are way too low and take advantage of most people unfairly. If we had more tax on corporations, as well as preventing loopholes, could allow the tax bands to be much wider (and more of them) and more reasonable for most people. Such as only 20% up to more like 70-80k ( for singles I mean. That is around the number for just married couples, but that should be better still as well). Then perhaps 35% (or…  Read more

 @9ZWDV57Fine Gael answered…3mos3MO

progressive tax system whereby high income earners pay a higher percentage of tax than low income tax. A more progressive income tax system has been proposed as a tool towards reducing wealth inequality.


yes but lower the income tax rate for lower tax brackets and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations


depending on income and affordability, im a middle person and i feel we're left out of any changes and suffer the most.

 @9ZW35MHSocial Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

I think the tax bracket should be higher, like higher than 40k and it should be taxed more when it's 100k or more

 @9ZW2QGVSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

The government should not be allowed to penalise someone for warning a goof wage. The higher tax bracket makes it pointless to want to earn more if you'll be on higher tax.


Rich would need to be defined. Middle income earners should not reach the 40% tax until at least 60,000


Yes but by rich I do not mean a professional working wage. As a young professional who has good career prospects, I will have a lot of expenses, and raising my taxes will make things difficult to pay for, as I do not qualify for any means tested measures etc


We should incentivise people to do well in this country instead of taxing anyone that does, every budget is an increase for people on social welfare who may have never worked for a day in their life. I am all for helping out anyone who may be disabled in a way they cannot work but this country is far too lenient with people who choose not too work


Tax should be layered based on your salary, not just a big jump from lower tax bracket to higher tax bracket


Yes, for the ‘super rich’ - people earning millions each year. And also a reduction for lower income households should be reflected in this. Often it is the middle who are squeezed, and in this cost of living crisis, even 100k salaries are not providing huge amounts of disposable income - no point increasing tax on people like those, at least they have a chance of purchasing homes.


Dont increase on rich- for people in middle and poor it should be lowered and the least government could do is abolish the usc.

 @9ZTZLL5Sinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

More tax increments should be in place is reduce the 40% on the 4000 and up and change to 30’percent on 4000 to 7000 and then add 40-50% on 7000 and up


Raise income tax for the top income bracket and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations.


No, but the government should actually put the current taxes to proper use, i.e. healthcare, roads etc.


For multi millionaires yes but not for ordinary people who have become successful and earning 100,000-250,000 a year


I’m regards to this question I feel that we are trying to strive for equality within a society and yet trying to take it away from others at the same time so no


To a degree. For people bringing in hundreds of thousands of euros a year, definitely. For those working multiple jobs to stay afloat, or for those with dependent people in the household, absolutely not.


It depends on how you define rich. I would support higher taxes for people who earn more than 300K per year or people who have assets in excess of 5 million


Tax on vacant homes and derelict buildings should be increased. Not all wealth is liquid/available. I.e Farms are land roch but can be cash poor.


I would say yes, and I also agree with the point on lowering the income tax for individuals with lower income and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations.

 @9ZH4C5NSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

Taxes should be raised for the richer end of the income brackets and remove any tax loopholes for large corporations while reducing taxes for lower income earners and abolishing USC like it was intended.


the entire tax system needs to be reformed so nobody is penalised just for earning a certain amount of money


Tax brackets should be raised. Examples: No tax up to 20,000, 20% up to 60,000 and 40% on income over that.


increase taxes for large corporations and people in the top 2% but lower tax for the people in the middle and low end


Create more tax brackets as the gap I’m the existing tax structure is too big. Everyone should contribute some income tax regardless of their income.


Low corporation tax for big companies needs to be reassessed. Taxing rich individuals will not have the same impact as taxing big corporations that make billions of euro through deals with the Irish government.


Raise it on higher tax brackets but raise it on a higher income then the current tax bracket and put more time into preventing tax evasion by large companies


Yes, increase taxes for rich. It is much more important to remove loopholes that large cooperations use and loopholes multimillionaires and billionaires use.


Should depend on how much income you get depending on the person, each job is different and each person is different.


Adjust tax brackets to make the 40% PAYE a lower rate for those that make just slightly above the lower bracket


Ideally yes but risk assessment would have to be done as it could cause corporations to leave and leave the jobs behind, whichever is calculated to work better


I don’t think it’s fair to tax the working class and give it away as social welfare for people who are too lazy to get a job


Only increase tax on the ultra wealthy as opposed to wealthy people as they already pay up to 40% income tax.


A definition of ‘rich’ needs to be made - the top percentage of earners in Ireland on salaries of 350,000 plus should be taxed higher.


Yes there should be tax taken out but half of the wages should be taxed tax should be a 5% taken out and put init a saving fund for pension and to not be paying for people who come to the country and not work


If you’re paying high tax then healthcare, education and other services have to be free. Can’t pay high tax while also having to pay all those expensive services

 @9ZFVR67Fine Gaelanswered…4mos4MO

I think there should be a higher tax rate for individuals earning over certain amounts such as over 100k.


Asset and property tax to increase plus removing existing tax loopholes for large corporations, remove income tax for all persons, but ensure that wealth is taxed to prevent multigenerational empires


any increase or decreases on taxes rates should increase and decrease by the same rate for the poor and rich


Yes, decrease for the poor and and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations



Yes, there should be 3 tax bands. Low income, middle income and higher income. The middle income tax band should be >55,000 and a higher rate should be implemented for >120,000


Lower income tax. Corporations will alway find loopholes to avoid taxes and it will be passed down to small business and etc.


NO, The tax system needs more brackets, with rates not exceeding 38% until earning over 80,000 a year, income up to the first 40,000 should be lowered dramatically, whether this is made from a single job or multiple, this will help poor people increase their quality of life and reward their hard work


Lower the tax for middle class as the middle class are the ones most struggling as they aren’t entitled to absolutely anything and are paying the most tax this current financial situation the country is in isn’t affecting the people on the dole or the rich as much as it is THE MIDDLE CLASS it is an absolute joke

 @9GGP2S3Fine Gaelanswered…1yr1Y

Add a third tax bracket, taxing those with exceedingly high incomes, making a more progressive taxation policy


Increase taxes for the rich, lower taxes for the poor, and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations.


Add a third rate cut off over 100k, but also increase current rate cut off points for 20% and 40%. Salaries are not increasing for working and middle class


Move up the bracket that they believe is rich (people in the “rich bracket” might not even have a house of their own due to housing crisis


there should be an bracket percentage that applies to everyone so 40% above $4000 should apply to everyone


Tax simply doesn’t exist, it’s a scam, the banks use “tax” and “interest” as there source if income (that’s what they tell us but it’s false) in actuality the banks print money of demand (192.000.000 per day)


Rich pay higher taxes, less well off pay lower taxes, decrease burden on middle earner as well


Yes but make the threshold in which someone is considered “rich” higher. I don’t see a major benefit in increasing taxes on high paying jobs rather than multimillionaires


Income taxes are easily avoided, a robust Land Value Tax should be introduced. This would effectively increase the tax base, particularly to capture large land holders who are the truly wealthy in society.


It is a question best left to those well read in economic policy and of good sense, honour and standing.


Raising or lowering these taxes will have very little impact in the long run, but more money should be invested in the revenue service to find and arrest tax criminals and tighten the definition on tax dodging.


No, abolish the income tax and get rid of unneeded deductions, e.g. USC


Keep existing structure but adding CGT bands and add wealth tax that includes property.



 @93K7ZTLFine Gaelanswered…3yrs3Y

Increase wealth tax but reduce income tax burden on middle & higher earners.


Yes, and increase advertisement tax, and get help from the eu to get our fair share from big corporations in Ireland.



Yes, and lower the income rate for those earning individually under 125K/year and families earning under 200K/year; Increase taxes on corporations and remove existing tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations.


Move income tax to a flat rate, increase emphasis on assets taxes, eg Land, Water, sales etc


Introduce a moderate rate of income tax for median earners and increase both the band and the rate for the highest earners -


Yes, but in such a way as to ensure that no capital flight occurs and receipts actually go up.


No it there money most of the time and work hard for it most of the time


Not completely but in some cases yes but we the way that the tax is used is more important

 @8ZP8PFFSocial Democratsanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes. Remove all existing corporate tax loopholes and introduce progressive tax brackets for capital gains and corporate profits.


No , asset’s should be used to increase wealth and a deal should be made with corporations so they can maximise prophets and in return serve national interests



Yes but the threshold values for taxation should be changed. The current threshold for upper tax is too low.


Reform the tax structure, widen the base but make it more progressive. Collect Corp taxes and close down loopholes. Enforce taxation on vacant housing and land value taxation



Yes, but only by a tiny percentage. Taxes should also be raised on the middle class.


Raise the income tax for rich people and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations


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