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 @9MZVZGQ disagreed…9mins9m

Housing is a right. The government should not allow the mass privatisation of housing by foreign corporations to extract…

 @9MZK898 answered…4hrs4H

An allowance per person in a household should be established, and any usage over and above that allowance is charged.

 @9MZG9CS answered…5hrs5H

No, not unless there is a minimum wage across all member states.

 @9MZBM8X answered…9hrs9H

Yes but a rigorous screening process to insure that the recipient of the social welfare is of sound character and meets…

 @9MZBM8X answered…9hrs9H

Depends on the crime, if its a violent, sexual, financial or harassment then they should have to pay, if it is addiction…

 @9MZBM8X answered…9hrs9H

To a degree, as over reliance on technology can lead to dependency