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Electoral Division:
No, something should be done so that middle-income families don't have to deal with huge rents while unemployed live virtually rent-free
@9ZBXS4W 4mos4MO
Yes, but it should first go to the people who are working and paying taxes who are looking for a home
Change laws around building and planning permission, people should have the option to build on their own land
Yes and No Yes for those who are homeless because of bad luck and No to other homeless who made stupid decisons
Building your own house should be cheaper and more accessible.
dont give so much social housing to people able to work that are lazy
Yes, but I think the bigger issue is why a large percentage of people are having difficulty buying privately
Put in more infrastructure, water, electricity, WiFi etc. Reform planning so it's easier to build. Remove the ability of people who don't live in Ireland or in the local area to object to planning.
Yes, but if there was more invested in lower socio economic areas (education, mental health) for their future children they would not have such a need for social housing.
I believe that funding should be increased when it comes to single parents trying to support their kids
Yes but private developers need to be given the opportunity to build social housing as not all private developers are vultures we must give them a chance that they are not being given
Yes, but people who are earning and contributing to society positively should have a better chance at receiving social housing.
As long as it's not relied upon. Lately people have begun to put bigger focus into social housing than getting a steady income to afford housing outright
Make it so housing and rent are more reasonable prices for the lower and middle class, we’re struggling real bad out here
Yes, but social housing should not be provided to people who don’t want to work, it should go to people who are building careers and building families.
Housing should be available to all, not just the rich or those on social housing lists. There is a large group of people in between those 2 groups who work hard and pay their way but are being forgotten about and penalised
@9ZHC5BSSocial Democrats4mos4MO
No, but reliance on local authorities to build social housing should be removed and direct build by the government used instead
For Irish Citizens or people who are working full time in Ireland who can’t afford housing due to the price
All civil servants should be able to afford a home. Teacher nurse and Garda specific schemes plus benefits for housing.
The majority of new housing should follow a public housing model which is distinct from a social housing model
@9ZCWF4D 4mos4MO
I think if funding was to be increased, there should be tighter restrictions on who qualifies, for people who are working and trying to make ends meets
There should be an adequate amount of social housing aswell as less privatization of housing to ensure that there are houses available for those who have funds to buy
Yes and give more incentives to developers to actually build social housing as the government is getting no where taking on the issue by themselves
If the social housing provided is in the form of high density accomodation i.e. apartment blocks with services such as police, transportation and shops within 5 minutes walk.
Only increased for the people who work hard and pay taxes, rather than people living off of social benefits their whole lives as it’s extremely unfair. We also need to put Irish citizens first nowadays a good fractions of immigrants are getting houses/apartments straight away.
No, government should look at planning laws and local councils eg where permissions are refused ; children building on parents land; mobile homes or cabins on land you own as long as it is within reason freeing up social housing demand
Yes, and vacant landlords should be taxed highly if their properties are not leased or rented out within a certain number of years.
Yes for genuine situations but too many people are getting social housing when they shouldn't be. They should be out working making a living.
All areas of housing need priority and funding for the next 10years to increase social housing market- don't resell back the market once grown.
I think that when social housing is built it should be used as social housing instead of it getting sold to developers and marked up on prices making it unaffordable again. Use the housing and funds correctly instead of waisting it on Quick fixes that end up with us in the same housing crisis
Yes, for those with Irish citizenship that need it. Homeless Irish citizens should be receiving social housing before any refugee does. You cannot justify housing others before your own. I am not a part of the “Ireland is full” brigade, but as a small country there should be limitations to the masses brought in and housed with taxpayer money - especially when there are such a huge amount on the streets.
Social housing can be like increase by 20% like make 40% social housing versus 60% for the private buying
Make it easier for people to buy / Build their own homes and not have have to rely on social housing.
I beleive everyone should be entitled to a social house , expect if they can afford a house within 5 years of saving or something like that , I think people should be able to buy a house comfortably yet anyone who can’t get one comfortable shoukd receive one for free
Private home ownership should be maximized with tax breaks for buyers and the planning system needs to be completely revamped.
No, reduce taxation, levies and so on on the construction sector so that the incentive to build housing in restored
No. The should reduce the regulatory burden on developers and remove the loopholes used to avoid giving a certain number of houses in each development, to social housing
Redirect funding for building rather than rents
Yes, but anyone gifted a social house that has been proven to have committed any extreme anti social behaviour should be removed from the property
More help with middle income families to pay towards deposit. The gap is not being bridged and you should be able to use your help to buy to purchase a second hand home.
@9NPH4WH 9mos9MO
Yes but Irish people should have first priority over immigrants!we ned to look after our own citizens first
I am unfamiliar with the current state thereof and as such cannot comment. It is a question best left to individuals in the field of policy, economics and development who are of good character.
Yes, and give more funding towards housing cooperatives and incentivize developers to provide more housing.
It should be increased, but people who work hard and pay taxes should be first in line, rather than people living of social benefits their whole lives.
Should be financially planned a little better rather than just building more when there are houses out there in need of work
@9L324QXFianna Fáil12mos12MO
The more social housing we provide, the less incentive there is to normalise the housing market. All housing should be affordable within the average wage.
Funding for social housing should be decreased as anybody who is able to work should not receive social housing.
Source of the housing price issue should be addressed as a priority over the funding of these overinflated house prices that are a result of a lack of control
Funding for affordable housing should be increased and heavily tax vacent properties
Government should introduce policies that encourage housing in private market.
No, it should be decreased and zoning regulations should be relaxed.
Yes, but more rigorous means testing should be implemented
No, but significantly relax planning restrictions to improve housing supply
Yes but only for new construction
Yeah but only "Soviet style buildings"
No, incentivise companies to build houses
No, incentivise private businesses to build houses.
@8ZP8PFFSocial Democrats3yrs3Y
Yes, and housing should be made more affordable by reforming zoning laws to reduce the amount of new single family homes being built and allow for more apartment complexes.
The government should pay regulated companies to build houses along with a smaller state managed programme
Should be decreased. Build houses for the working not 3rd generation lifetime benefit leeches.
Yes, housing is a right, we should prevent vulture funds from buying up houses to sell at massive prices
Innovative models are required
I feel social housing has become a way of life for citizens in Ireland and it is wrong. The working class can't afford houses and when they can they spend their life trying to pay a mortgage off. Why should individuals who don't work or pay tax get a free home.
@8XSVGX7Social Democrats3yrs3Y
Yes, and its scope should be widened to society as a whole instead of just the most deprived.
Yes, housing is a right ,we should prevent vulture funds from buying up houses to sell at massive prices
Yes but for those trying to work and not just leeches who do nothing all day
Depending on how it's allocated
Yes, but we should first use all the older abandoned buildings first before we build more.
change social housing to modular housing so we can build more for less
make council neighborhoods.
Social housing for Irish born only
No, the social welfare system needs to be resolved which will in turn reduce the demand for social housing
Yes if it benefitted everyone.
yws but Not just social bit affordable for those wjo don't qualify for social
Yes, as long as its given to Irish citizens.
We need financial support for the working class that cannot afford a home due to Vulture funds driving up prices. Rich or poor and you will be ok be if you are middle class you are on your own.
Yes, but built by government and not contacted to private developers.
Yes but only if the people are genuinely trying to contribute to society
Funding should be better allocated to ensure long-term value to taxpayers, rather than short-term leasing which is expensive, or the HAP which helps prop up an artificially high property market
People living in social housing need to be held accountable for their own property.
There should be free housing using basic houses for those who cannot afford a home
Not to those useless bags taking advantage of it
We need to regulate the housing market, especially in Dublin,giving people the choice to own their home. and not let this spread to other counties with an increase in remote working.
Yes, but there should be stronger supports for those who do not solely need government paid accomodation.
Yes but raise their rents
For people who honestly need ( not girls who have more kids to get free house)
Yes, but only for Irish taxpayers
@8PXZZF8Social Democrats4yrs4Y
Yes if the government provide support for home buyers too.
Most of the money is wasted so no
Increase funding for Affordable housing as well as social housing
Yes, but with additional safeguards introduced aimed at preventing some from abusing the welfare system.
For people who actually need it like people with disabilities
Yes for people who need it like people with disabilities
Increase for the homeless
There should be a housing policy which would allow for affordable homes & more funding
It depends if they are actually able to. Pay
The system should be updated to give houses to people who need them badly
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