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32 Replies

 @9L7QHVQFine Gaelanswered…10mos10MO

I am not a nationalist, and I believe that we should be sure that our people are looked after but also the peoples of other nations around the world

 @9L5JSYDSinn Féinanswered…10mos10MO

I would firmly believe that there’s both sides to this question. Like your country may have issues the other countries don’t so you do need to customise it up but cooperation should undergo as much as possible.


I believe each nation should prioritise its own citizen but show compassion to other nations

 @9KZTVVJFine Gaelanswered…10mos10MO

Yes, global cooperation is important. Look after whats at home before bending over for others


Because your own citizens are the ones paying taxes and obeying your laws. If you don't care about them why should they continue to do either ?

 @9LD3FQZIndependent Leftanswered…9mos9MO

Yes. Global corporations only care about profit. People governing a country should always put the welfare of their people first.

 @9L7TQJ4Sinn Féinanswered…10mos10MO

In general, I believe that everybody should be looked after, but Ireland has neglected its own people for too long. More housing should be made available, and Irish citizens should be given priority.


Most certainly, because international interests will inevitably not have our best interests at heart, only we can deliver for our people.


It depends on how and why. They should of course put the needs of their own citizens first (in keeping with advice on airlines to always put your own oxygen mask on first), but we don't live in a vacuum...

 @9H8YY27Social Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

Yes because the citizens are the most important asset to the country. Global cooperation is important, but it won’t work unless the citizens are prioritised first.


If the citizens of a country are happy and well-cared for, the country will benefit more overall and will be able to cooperate better globally.

 @9L6CW6FSinn Féinanswered…10mos10MO

I think the country should focus on itself first but have an open friendly relationship with the outside world.

 @AdmxnFine Gael answered…10mos10MO

Yes, We are a community found with the same ideology. I believe if you don't like it you have the freedom to move away however if you do and want to make a change we should stick together.

 @9L48VBNSocial Democratsfrom British Columbia  answered…10mos10MO

Yes. I was forced to emigrate. I recieved little to no help from the state, having graduated with a degree I was left with no job opportunities. Instead we have prioritised importing migrants rather tha encouraging those who have left to return to their families, friends, and familiar society.


Yes, a governments number one priority should be its citizens. Global cooperation is secondary

 @9KRDLFY answered…10mos10MO

We have to look after our own! Each and every country should look after their own first instead of detrimentally affecting the lives of their own citizens.


Yes. The Irish people’s well-being is taking a back seat to current governments open border policy

 @9KQDVVJSocial Democratsanswered…10mos10MO

Global cooperation is important, but a government's main concern should be dealing with the issues of the people whom they are elected to represent


Absolutely I do a government party is elected by the people for the people to represent they're best interests at all cost not for the benefit of anyone else


It’s important to look after the Land because if we lose it’s history we will be letting our forefathers who spilt sweat, blood and tears for this country.

 @9KQCR8JSocial Democratsanswered…10mos10MO

Countries should hold the wellbeing of their residents as priority in terms of housing, healthcare, education etc. Asylum seekers should be welcomed into the country and be given access to these basic needs where they have come from areas of conflict or extreme poverty. ‘Nationalism’ should strive for economic growth, however international cooperation is vital to this, and aid should be sent to areas in conflict.


Absolutely, on a larger scale it translates ro my answer about family. You cannot help everyone and many will take advantage of a good thing, it is the reality of the world.

 @9KZRVF3Social Democratsanswered…10mos10MO

I don't think it's as black and white as this statement lays out. Both are important. Citizens should be provided for while striving ti improve cooperation globally

 @9K82GTXSinn Féinanswered…11mos11MO

No, we should prioritise our policy actions on where they will have the biggest positive impact. Regardless of whether that is Domestically or Internationally.

 @9K5C7NVRepublican Sinn Féinanswered…11mos11MO

yes, because you need to look after your own before you give away funding to other people.


It should be balanced to give the nations people the best quality of life and opportunity while also cooperating with supranational organisation

 @9K46NN8Fine Gaelanswered…11mos11MO

I think in the world today we should work together while still having an identity but I don’t think it should be the main thing focused on

 @9JXRFPNSocial Democratsanswered…11mos11MO

I think countries should prioritise it's own citizens but should not disregard other countries, other countries citizens or immigrants.

 @9K22GFQSinn Féinanswered…11mos11MO


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