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 @9MYWS96 answered…5hrs5H

As pro-life as I can possibly be without requiring a legal ban. In other words I do not like abortion but can't bring my…

 @9MYWS96 answered…5hrs5H

Not necessarily banned but made financially unviable except where really necessary, in order to drastically reduce (e.g.…

 @9MYWS96 answered…5hrs5H

Any money provided to help with buying a house just results in more expensive houses as people have money to bid against…

 @9MYWS96 answered…5hrs5H

At a high level, Yes, because the reason for refusal may not be clear, or valid - e.g. they may fear bullying or victimi…

 @9MYV2ZR answered…5hrs5H

Independents For Change

 @9MYJGJ7 answered…9hrs9H

Green or SinnFein

 @9MYD9ZZ answered…10hrs10H

Yeah, I think it's a tough situation. While it's important to consider the needs of homeless individuals, allowing them…