Here are your answers compared to this voter’s answers.
社会 › 堕胎
9>9 Personal answer主张堕胎合法,提供节育、性教育以及更多社会服务能帮助减少堕胎数量 |
经济 › 同工同酬
9>9 Personal answer是的,并且应当要求企业公布他们所有职位的薪资范围。 |
Housing › Rent Control
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
外交政策 › 义务兵役
9>9 Personal answer应该,但是应该把重点放在教育和技能发展上,不要过于注重军事训练。 |
教育 › 学费
9>9 Personal answer不,但他们应减少 |
经济 › 税
9>9 Personal answerAsset and property tax to increase plus removing existing tax loopholes for large corporations, remove income tax for all persons, but ensure that wealth is taxed to prevent multigenerational empires |
环境 › 环境规制
9>9 Personal answer不,而应该为可替代能源生产提供更多的奖励措施 |
科学 › 强制接种疫苗
9>9 Personal answer不,相反基金公益广告宣传活动有关的风险和益处 |
医保 › 医疗保健私有化
9>9 Personal answerLess, and there should be no privatization of the healthcare industry |
医保 › NHS Healthcare System
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
教育 › 蒙面罩袍
9>9 Personal answerYes but there should be a massive increase in non-religious or multi-religious schools to provide fair access |
移民 › High Risk Immigrant Ban
9>9 Personal answer不 |
国内政策 › 毒品政策
9>9 Personal answer是的,并且追溯以往来减少对那些已经服刑的判决 |
移民 › 移民福利待遇
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
外交政策 › EU Authoritarian Sanctions
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
Housing › High density residential buildings
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
国内政策 › 社交媒体监管
9>9 Personal answer不,政府不应决定什么是假新闻,什么是真新闻 |
医保 › 大麻
9>9 Personal answer是的,并且将其合法化,对其征税和管理,而不是将其入罪化 |
总统大选 › 外国人的投票权
9>9 Personal answer不应该,应当只有合法公民才可投票 |
环境 › Geoengineering
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
交通运输 › Electric Vehicle Mandates
9>9 Personal answer不 |
科学 › Lab Grown Meat
9>9 Personal answerNo, we need more long-term studies to ensure safety |
Housing › Homeless Encampments
9>9 Personal answerYes, and create more social programs to provide free food, clothing, and medicine |
国家安全 › Foreign Assassination
9>9 Personal answerNo, they should be captured and given a fair trial |
国家安全 › Facial Recognition
9>9 Personal answer不 |
移民 › 移民同化
9>9 Personal answer不,我们应该拥抱移民为我们社会的多样性作出的贡献 |
环境 › 水力压裂法
9>9 Personal answer不,我们应该寻求更可持续的能源 |
罪行 › Free Legal Aid
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
罪行 › 监狱过度拥挤
9>9 Personal answer是的,但他们必须每天进行社区服务 |
交通运输 › Diesel Emission Standards
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
罪行 › EU Legal System Integration
9>9 Personal answer不 |
交通运输 › Ride-Sharing Subsidies
9>9 Personal answer不 |
Technology › Self Hosted Digital Wallets
9>9 Personal answerYes, and also allowed to use a privacy layer that prevents monitoring of funds and transactions |
国家安全 › Backdoor Access to Encrypted Communications
9>9 Personal answer不 |
Technology › Cryptocurrencies
9>9 Personal answerNo, and underprivileged citizens deserve the same financial opportunities and services that traditional banks offer the wealthy |
Technology › Artwork Investment Contracts
9>9 Personal answer不 |
社会 › Land Acknowledgment Statements
9>9 Personal answer是的 |
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