Yes, it is double taxation
No, reform so the tax rate is based on the wealth of the recipient rather than the deceased
No, but increase the tax-free allowance

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Yes, Inheritance tax should be abolished. Government shouldn't have a say or should be in place to take anymore tax from the deceased. I believe, government is sucking people dry. If they dont want to abolish it.. they should increase the cut off rate of inheritance to amount of €750000.00 per person in the family OR increase inheritance cut off rate every year in €5000 increments.


The rate should be increased, and the tax-free allowance should also be increased


For lower amounts of inheritance I don't think there's much need to tax it (eg. A few thousand euros or a car) but I think there should be a complete cut off limit on the amount of money a person should be able to inherit at around three to five million euros and everything above that should be taken by the state and spent on public services. I'm willing to reconsider this if more information comes in.

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