Try the political quiz

61 Replies

 @9JXN5QQIndependent Leftanswered…1yr1Y

Yes. War is a development of class society and just like it, it will not be around forever.

 @9K3XNDZ from Missouri  disagreed…1yr1Y

War is ingrained in human nature. It is the balance of growth and prosperity. It controls the population. The longer you delay it, the more destructive it will become.

 @9JZJTJ6Sinn Féindisagreed…1yr1Y

Humans are stupid and there is always going to be some person who decides theybwant to start a war with someone else

 @9JYVRM7Sinn Féindisagreed…1yr1Y

After thousands of years we are still finding excuses to fight and hate each other, even after 2 world wars and senseless killing we still fight for no good reason. Someone always wants to take advantage of someone else.

 @9HLFJTZIndependent Leftanswered…1yr1Y

Yes; we will reach a point when war is no more, but, only when the contradictions between imperialist and semi-colonial nations is resolved by the abolition of capitalist imperialism and the established of communism in the world.

 @9JTNTTZSocial Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

no i dont think so because countries like us and russia make so much money off it and there will always be someone in power to do so

 @9JYQDZH agreed…1yr1Y

War is something, that no matter how much humans control their compulsion and attempt to reason, is almost inevitable as long as a violent or near violent individual or species, human or not, is widespread.

 @9K46NN8Fine Gaelanswered…1yr1Y

I really hope we reach a point where war becomes unnecessary, I think if we all strive for peace it is achievable

 @9KC2MMCSocial Democratsagreed…1yr1Y

Although this is something I hope for, I think the patriarchal nature of politics will prevent humanity from making any great strides to world peace. Too many self-absorbed, egotistical, narcissistic and violent men are running/ ruining the world. Politics in a boys club, and women are not supported in their career goals.
Look at Hillary / Trump - Hillary was the lesser of two evils, but Trump - the stupidest man on the planet - still won.

 @9HH9JNRGreen answered…1yr1Y

difficult to say. war is caused by many things, i think most recently, ideologies. i think its hard to prevent wars on ideologies.

 @9J2Q9D7 answered…1yr1Y

Wave damage wars French and UK's with hits and targets government needs the most

 @9HXD353Social Democrats answered…1yr1Y

I doubt it. You'd think that people would take a page from the history books and understand what is wrong with solving seemingly minor conflicts with fighting. Unfortunately no matter how many people are affected it won't stop power hungry leaders from risking their people for territory or belief.

 @9HXBZGTSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

No because human rights in middle eastern countries will still be starters for a war

 @9HTLCRSAontú answered…1yr1Y

No war is a delusion just like no starving people. That's the view of the ultimate optimistic , not the view of a realist in my opinion

 @9HR4RM8Social Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

Yes but not for a long time as long as there are ware my gets there will be war


i bloody hope so. it's like john hume said - i'm not optimistic, i'm positive.its easy to be negative, but you can't build any progress off the easy negativity.

 @9K3XNDZ from Missouri  answered…1yr1Y

War is a good and necessary thing for the human race. The longer you delay it, the more destructive it will be.


Unfortunately no. Greed is a simple but often deadly human behaviour that has and will continue to begin wars.

 @9JJWFYQ answered…1yr1Y

No, unfortunately. Wars will increase rather than decrease with an exploding population and associated resource pressures and growing socio-political unrest, thus perpetuating a vicious circle which can only end in environmental catastrophe or some other form of mass destruction.

 @9J73MWKSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

I think when people come to the conclusion that there are no winners in war then we will have a point where war is obsolete.

 @9J72XK8Fine Gaelanswered…1yr1Y

Given that we define our history by its wars, I'd say no. There is simply too much ethnic, cultural and religious diversity for humans to agree to anything on a large scale.

 @9J6GFWZFine Gaelanswered…1yr1Y

Yes and i hope so. I think punisjemnts made to a country should be anything other than war. Such as earning money for recieving disrespect from one country.

 @9HNK4WTFianna Fáilanswered…1yr1Y

No, The Human-Race will never reach the-point that-where the ideal-of-war is obsolete...As its human-nature to disagree, And-for conflict to-arise.


no, as those in power find that this is the only way to establish their personal beliefs and agendas


 @9HG5M5FIndependent Leftanswered…1yr1Y

J hope so I think if we keep developing democracy around the world we can someday get it

 @9J9W8N7Fine Gaelanswered…1yr1Y

War will never be obsolete, the only option is to make war too violent to pursue it

 @9K59HMZSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

No, as many world leaders only want power and there is never enough of it to those people so they will fight over anything

 @9K4NYRYFianna Fáilanswered…1yr1Y

Most likely not because, once a nation possess weapons they will me inclined to use then.


 @9K255TMSinn Féin answered…1yr1Y

As long as nonsensical religions play a part. It will be very very difficult to establish a sense of justice and sense on this planet, only then can we begin to tack the greed and environmental disasters that challenge us not to mention the clannish dangers that prevent us developing.

 @9JTMQM4Social Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

No, but we can reduce the scale of war by investing in diplomacy and peace-building measures.


As long as people have been around we have been finding ways to fight each other. Tribe mentality is a real thing and I don't see that changing. It's human nature to demonize a group of people that are supposedly different then you.

 @9K6NFDJSocial Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

No, as unfortunately big countries or rich countries always will want to control the poorer and weaker countries to avail of natural resources


No. Human psychology is far too complicated for that. We will always find something to go to war over.


Unfortunately not in my lifetime, especially watching now what is currently happening to Palestine. This genocide is being called a war and just how support and financial aid is being given to a vicious military, I believe money will always push an an evil agenda that disregards peace and other ways of resolving conflict.

 @9K22GFQSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

War will always be around no matter what, due to family reasons — people killing others and the victims kids growing up may grow up vengeful and fight back and it’s just this constant cycle of revenge and fighting

 @9JX957KFine Gaelanswered…1yr1Y

No, however we can reduce the scale of wars and make it less desirable for a country to go to war. Through sanctions and other means.


While complete elimination of war may be challenging, ongoing efforts to promote peace, international cooperation, and the resolution of disputes through dialogue are crucial steps toward reducing the frequency and severity of conflicts. The vision of a war-free world remains an idealistic and challenging goal, but ongoing global efforts toward diplomacy and understanding can contribute to a more peaceful future.

 @9J46SZQSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

It depends since sometimes countries will always make up excuses to start war and never give proper evidence behind it.

 @9HJGC2FSinn Féin answered…1yr1Y

In the near future, no. I do hope eventually war is obsolete, but considering how people like to fuel wars for profit, I don't see it happening, at least in a Capitalist world.


yes, but first we have to abolish the federal reserve act and assassinate or arrest all members of the rothschild banking syndacite.



 @9K2RWFVSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

Can’t see it in my lifetime but I would like to think it will happen some day

 @9JXRFPNSocial Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

I don't think the human race will ever reach a point where there's not a single fight or war but I do think and hope humans will find and implement better systems of which to deal with conflicts.

 @9JDY4V4Social Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

no, humans are naturally violent, and need rules and regulations and protocol to prevent it


Personally, I would hope that would be the case once we all work together and don't have to compete for our resources

 @9J47M3GSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

No, I think that because there is extreme believes on opposing ends you will have people that have very powerful stances and highly unlikely to give way with their beliefs

 @9K49HPHSocial Democrats answered…1yr1Y

I like to hope it will be. There is absolutely nothing good about war and the sooner we get rid of the concept the better. The only people that benefit from it are officials and higher-ups who profit from the death.

 @9JDWQY2Fianna Fáilanswered…1yr1Y

Well no, I think I'm the future war will be fought trough robots so that no human dies.


Absolutely not. Humans are the biggest threat to our planet and ourselves. As long as greed and want of power exist in the hearts of humans war will never cease.



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