Help, in theory but have recently become corrupt and should have their powers limited
Hurt, I support some private unions but am strongly against public unions
Help, but ban their ability to make political donations

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Other Popular Answers

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Whilst they provide safeguarding for a lot of employees, they can sometimes limit growth for the economy for example the ARC furnaces. The stance of the union has not saved any jobs and in fact sped up the companies ability to close the other blast furnaces quicker


Help and have a long and proud tradition dating back to the rising, which kids should be learning about.


Helps workers more than employers so limits their profits and spending but increases the spending of workers I think there’s an equilibrium


I believe unions are an important pillar of democracy but some are out for their own benefit and not their members


Labour unions help their members. Other vested interest groups are allowed do that with very little restriction, regardless of how they affect the economy, and Labour unions should be no different.

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