Yes, and create more social programs to provide free food, clothing, and medicine
No, and make it a criminal offense

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 @9LLKJC9from New York answered…1wk1W

If there is no other option, yes, but the government should pursue a policy where no one has to sleep rough and people without homes are offered shelter, physical and mental health care, and a viable path to a healthy and sustainable life


Very tricky question with no clear solution (why would they reject accommodation- is it because they felt unsafe?)


Yes, but not if it is negatively impacting the public citizens. (Violent behavior, public indecency etc.)

 @9LDLKXGfrom California answered…2wks2W

Sleep, yes. As for encampments, they should not, upon discovery, be dismantled, but upon a notice given to encampment's resident(s) that gives a reasonable amount of time to move location.


Yes, but should be discouraged by increasing the quality and safety of shelters/housing

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