Yes, as long as it does not threaten violence
No, and increase penalties for hate speech
Yes, because I don’t trust the government to define the boundaries of hate speech
No, freedom of speech laws should only protect you from criticizing the government

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Ireland users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


Freedom of speech is already a poorly defined concept, many believing it simply means I can what I want whenever I want and no one can criticise me, in actual fact it’s quite the opposite you can say what you like but another person is more than in their rights to criticise said opinion. In this regard hate speech is technically free speech but can be scrutinised and used against the person


Freedom of Speech should be allowed for everyone. Only extreme hate speech like racial slurs and death mocking should be made illegal. Having a difference of opinion/belief based on race, sex or political stance is not hate speech.


Yes, as long as it is part of a debate environment (such as universities) and it can be freely criticised and argued against.


Liars, Bad faith actors, and actively endorsing hate is the only censorship I support.


No, though the situation surrounding the proper definition of hate speech in Ireland is muddled at best


I don't trust the government to define the boundaries especially if it's against them, however, when it comes to ganging up minorities and innocent people, that's obviously a crime

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