Yes, unless they have committed a crime
No, and we should not allow any new immigrants into the country at this time
Yes, unless they have committed an act of terrorism
No, and revoke the status for those currently holding dual citizenship
Yes, but they should not be able to claim citizenship status of more than two nations

Historical Results

See how support for each position on “Dual Citizenship” has changed over time for 13.4k Ireland voters.

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Historical Importance

See how importance of “Dual Citizenship” has changed over time for 13.4k Ireland voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Ireland users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


If willing to work and have a positive impact on the society they join and be inclusive to the community as opposed to burden on the social welfare system


Yes, Irish citizens are allowed to hold dual citizens - immigrants that become irish citizens should be treated equally.


Yes, but similarly to Australia this process should should have criminal vetting and people should be working in the country for 3-5 years before it is allowed


Ireland should enforce more searches on background on imigrants and ayslum seekers but that doesnt mean they miss treat them or treat them like poeple who can do anything they want


Yes but they should have to pay tax for as long as they have the Irish citizenship even if they go to another country


yes, base on their background. (Criminal, and terrorism). Also, they need to proof that they have been working in ireland and paying their own share of taxes.