Increase, but only after our deficit is drastically reduced

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Neither, we should focus on international relations and collaboration in science.


Increase only in so much as it brings our army and navy forces up to required levels for our existing commitments


Fund and train a professional guerilla army that would make any millitary occupation of our country too costly. We could never fund an army that could prevent an invasion by any major power however we could prepare our forces in a way that turns the country into a giant trap for any occupier. Common knowledge of this would safeguard our neutrality without spending billions on tanks and planes that would be outmatched and destroyed in a few days by any modern superpower


We need more spending for maritime protection. Fish Stocks and are waters should be properly protected. So more money and people are needed in the air core and navy to protect the waters.


Only if it the money is spent on peacekeeping and giving our service personnel a decent standard of living.


Yes, to a minimum of 2 per cent of GDP and to invest in cyber infrastructure, naval and air corps upgrades

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